Smokin' Hot Green Pepper's ~ Week 9

Good luck team! Keep on keepin'! :bigsmile:


  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    since I already posted on the other thread ... here it is again kelly so you dont have to go find it :tongue:

    LW 194 CW 191 loss 3 pounds this week ... total 34 pounds :bigsmile:
  • angiemcnett
    I am up 1.6 pounds this week. I am at 209 this week. I did great drinking my water and getting me time, but not so good on fruit and veggies. Hopefully, I will get back on track. I am going to make a chart of how much and what types of food I should be eating so I can have a visual aid to help in making better choices. I did get 725 minutes of exercise in this week. If I would just stop eating chocolate.:grumble: Hope the rest of you are doing better. Have a great day!:smile:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I gained 2½ lb this week (LW 173.5 lbs.) (CW 176 lbs.) I did 250 minutes of exercise this week hiking.
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    :drinker: Down 3.6 lbs this week to 229.2!!! :drinker: No exercise. I know there is no way I can do enough in the next 2 weeks to make up my minutes for the Thanksgiving exercise challenge. I'll do my best to make up what I can.

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: Happy late friday!
    Im back from seattle, and trying to get a nap in here today I am so freaking tired wow! <y daughter is doing better now, she flipped out this morning after teh surgery because she could not see at all... now se can see a bit and is calm! thank the lord! Ill keep you posted crystal congrats! on the big loss!
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    :bigsmile: Happy late friday!
    Im back from seattle, and trying to get a nap in here today I am so freaking tired wow! <y daughter is doing better now, she flipped out this morning after teh surgery because she could not see at all... now se can see a bit and is calm! thank the lord! Ill keep you posted crystal congrats! on the big loss!

    Glad everything went well with your daughter!!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    mornin'!! how's my pepper team!! i have been a beadin' freak here the last couple of days...well, over a week really. just returned from taking all my creations to the show. will post pics sometime soon.

    i did not have a good week, and well, gained 4 lbs, was at 181.4. i am not surprised as i did not not eat healthy, missed out on exercising. the water and fruit was bout all that was good. basically, i did not make * kelly * a priority this week, jewelry won out. everything that i normally do, was neglected. :frown: guys are upset cuz i didn't plan meals or keep the house picked up...i have so much work to do and will tackle it soon....... exercise was 120 min.

    it has been a lot more quieter here this week too, hope you guys are all doing ok....thinkin of ya and missin ya...

    i think our above normal temps are headed south here soon..we have had a warmer Nov than usual. tomorrow we have my inlaws Thanksgiving then later my ds's football banquet. will do my best and push the fluids. this might be a good day for a double workout! oh, and my mil appt was CN Fri. we are now going Mon.

    ittybitty ~ wow, 34 lbs gone!! congrats! you will be in the 80's in no time!

    angie ~ 4 mos preg and you have not really gained anything, that is awesome! you are still puttin up great activity #'s too! better than me! :bigsmile: 1.6 lbs could be water too... keep at it, you are doing great!

    magglett ~ no worries bout your gain, i know you can do this!! look at the success you have had thus far!:happy:

    crystal ~ woot woot girly -3.6!! that is wonderful! happy for ya. i am way behind on minutes too....all we can do it pick it up and try our best! i am thinking of changing my workout times. maybe try a morning schedule and then add a late afternoon some days. my metabolism seems a little sluggish, and well, it would help if i just take better care of myself in all aspects here :bigsmile: gotta do it!

    miss V ~ good to hear all went well with dd surgery and hope that things only get better for her! :flowerforyou: miss v, i must say, your new avatar, you're lookin kindy sexy there!! :blushing: what a jawline lady! you are so pretty! :love:

    well, the cleaning lady is ready....will check in later. have a great weekend SHGP's! :smile:
  • jacque509
    just got back at 3 am, I weight in at 246.6, so a small loss. got 256 min of exercise. will write more later. DU died so that where I been in temple, leaving for Galveston in a minute for DD first cheer competition. love you all, will check in later and read post
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Miss V ... I'm so glad your daughters surgery went well.

    I was just reading something about Thanksgiving and all the plans and meals and stuff and it makes me glad that I'm Canadian ... ours is over and done with so that temptation is gone for me. Good luck to all my American MFPers with that.

    I just got back from the gym ... I love it there ... such a great atmosphere and all of the staff seem great so far. I did a Zumba class ... it was way fun. Tomorrow is my first assessment and then I'll get set up to learn how to use the equipment and balance ball and stuff. It's nice to have something new to get me back on track (although the Cora's breakfast after the workout wasn't exactly the healthiest choice ... but ... yummy). The weather here is beautiful and hopefully it will be the same tomorrow ... my friend and I will do a big hike after I'm done at my assessment if all goes as planned. Happy weekend all ... talk to you soon.

  • MissVitaVonCherry
    MissVitaVonCherry Posts: 709 Member
    Hello dear friends!
    :flowerforyou: Jacque~ sorry to hear about your uncle Keeping your family in my prayers, and we are here for you. Hope taht your daughter has a wonderful time cheering!
    Kelly:heart: ~Your are the sweetest ever! your gonna give me a tooth ache! LOL :laugh: Gonna hang you up where my mirror is just so i can hear nice things about me! lol Glad to hear taht the beading went great. Can't wait to see the photos! Tell those men folk to do the cooking and the cleaning! lol :laugh: but then it would probally be far from par!:laugh: :bigsmile:
    Magglett& Crystal ~Thanks for the well wishes! they are wonderful! :flowerforyou:
    Magglett- The zumba sounds fun to me too! glad taht you are loving the new gym!:bigsmile:
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    Hi SMGP. I kinda fell off the band wagon for a while towards the end of summer and have once again found my groove with all the mega changes in my life. Will you guys take me back:flowerforyou: ? I really missed this group
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    just a quick hi here.....

    Jacque ~ so sorry to hear about your dear uncle......prayers to you sweets.....thinkin of you and the family....hang in have had an emotional year.....* hugs * i bet the cheering event will be a ton of fun. i have taken our pom pom squad to state a few times, and last yr they finally got 1st place, it is so competative! have a good time w/dd.! hey, good job on the loss! proud of you! :flowerforyou:

    Miss V :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: :heart: to your and your girls!! :heart:

    magglett ~ can see the excitement building for you and working out! so happy for you! go get it! yup, i just had Thanksgiving @ my inlaws, and did very well for the most part. my dh is so full, his belly hurts and it has been 3 hrs since we ate :sick: we are off to a football banquet. :huh:

    HI aml0484!! it is so great hearing from you! yes, we will take anyone here! we have missed you as well! our weigh in's are Friday's, and right now we are doing a team exercise challenge that will end on Thanksgiving. it is for a month and we are trying to get to 400 hours between all of us! just post your workout minutes with your weigh in if you want to. again, glad you found your way back here! the more the merrier on this ol' journey! :smile:
  • PlumCrazyGirl
    PlumCrazyGirl Posts: 1,463 Member
    congrats to those who lost weight.... and for those like me who didn't, we will just try again.

    weight 167.7
    exercise minues 350 minutes.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
  • jacque509
    Its Monday,
    Still trying to wake up, the coffee did not help at all. Went to the gym this morning, walking around kinda numb, the exercise made me cry which I needed. DD daughter won first place in her division on both days-Saturday and Sunday. We are so very proud of her. Well Got my yearly Doctor appt today so hopefully it all good. Hope everyone had a good day
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Just finished my first round of delivering mail at work and I'm taking a little break. Thought I'd jump in here and give a quick update. I had my assessment done at the gym yesterday and all in all it wasn't too bad. No real surprises ... I need to work on my upper body strength but overall I'm of average fitness ... not too shabby ... thought I was in the less then average fitness level :happy: I did get one surprise yesterday that made me love my trainer ... all my life I haven't been able to do a sit up. She told me it's because of my apple body shape ... she had me lie down with my knees up and I tried to do the sit up but it just wasn't happening ... then she handed me a 10 lb. ball to hold in my hands over my head and told me to try again. I thought she was crazy, if I can't do it with no weight in my hands how can I do it with 10 extra pounds??? Well it's all in the momentum ... my torso was too heavy compared to my arms and once I added extra weight to my arms the sit ups happened ... I was so excited I did 10 of them with ease!!!! Why didn't anyone show me this before? Autumn (my trainer) said it's because she's the best trainer in the world ... frankly ... I agree. This picture shows what I did except I had my feet on the floor.

  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hey everyone! happy Monday to you all! been doing chores here....laundry up the kazooo! kinda tired today, feelin like a nap. sure it is catching up with me from last weeks loss. appt midday w/mil, so no pm route. all my jewelry is boxed and put away...but i am already itching to do mind is just overflowing with ideas..... banquet went good. found out that our son was leading in the state for a while with longest received yardage and he finished in the top 20 in our district for that stat.... he also rec'd all state academic honors. don't your kids just make you proud! :bigsmile: gosh, my baby is growin up :cry:

    magglett ~ how cool, i am not that great at sit-ups either, but do what i can...and am apple shape as well. so thanks for the info, i will try that! is it possible that is the reason i cannot do a push up either? :huh: how exciting for you!! you're gonna get in great shape with that trainer! :flowerforyou:

    jacque ~ so happy for dd and ** winning **! that had to be just a blast! hope all goes well at Dr. i need to schedule mine too:ohwell:

    FYI ~ since the newly formed SHGP's started back on September 18, ittybittybadonkadonk has lost an amazing 17 lbs!! we are short 2 days of 2 months here and she is down almost 20 lbs!! woot woot to you ittybitty! congrats girl!! :flowerforyou:
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Morning Peppers:

    Kelly thanks for the congrats ...... oh and i walked with Leslie sansone 45 minutes saturday and sunday .... i did the entire 3 miles but at a slower pace .... i feel alot better but i still have a cough which is now loose (which is a good thing)

    Magglet congrats on doing a sit up .... GREAT JOB:wink:

    Hope everyone had a great weekend :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: