Pec Injury - Need advice what to do

I've been dieting since April this year. I went from 219 to 160. So I was thinking, "You know, right now would be a perfect time to start toning". So when I was at my local supermarket, I saw they had the "Iron Gym" on open box clearance. I bought it and tried it out at home (which was pretty cool actually). Well, when my wife came home from work I showed her how sturdy it was by doing two full pull ups but I must have did the form wrong because my pec hurts REAL bad. (This event took place 4 or 5 days ago).

I feel pain under my right arm pit and it stretches all the way over to half way into my right breast plate. Did some research and it's my pecs. Anyways, so the pain is felt sometimes when I breathe deeply, sneeze, cough, land hard on my feet when walking or climbing stairs, do any sudden jerky motions, and when I use my right arm doing miscellaneous tasks. And when I say hurt, it's a fast sharp feeling then goes away almost instantaneously; like it's a reminder of "hey, I'm hurt over here!"

I don't have health insurance right now so going to the doctor isn't an option; but I did buy an Ace bandage and I have the injury compressed by going around my arm once and again around my chest once. I have been icing it too to keep the inflammation down (but I don't see any swelling, bruising, or any indentations - just sensitive to pressure), and I have been resting my right arm as much as possible (not easy when you're the one in charge of cleaning the house). So my question is, am I doing everything I should be doing?

I was thinking of upping my protein intake from 15% to 30% and keeping my fruit/veggie carbs up for energy (and overall nutrition) high too. So a ratio more like 50 carb / 20 fat / 30 protein versus the default 55 / 30 / 15. What's your thoughts?


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    First, congrats on the awesome weight loss
    Second, up your protein because 15% is way too low. Shoot for 25-30% minimum if you're going to start training.
    Third, don't ever use the word "toning" in public again. It's illegal in 13 states for a male to say the word toning in reference to himself. That's a serious rule right there.

    Sounds like you just overdid it. Consider that the fourth lesson: don't show off for the womens. Never ends well. Seriously speaking, pullups are hard and use a large % of your upper body muscles. You hit them cold with no warmup and no foundation of strength. Never, ever a good idea. You'll be fine, just take it easy for a while. Ease into it next time and make sure you're warmed up. Some ibuprofen tonight would be a good idea as well.

    And next before you show off for da womens (despite rule #4, you will do this again, we all do; it's the curse of being a straight male), Make Sure It's Something You Can Actually Do.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I would add that liberal application of ice is helpful for me when I tweak or strain anything. I won't give you a protocol for it, as I'm not a doctor, but I usually do 20-30 min at a time as many times during the day as possible. I'm also a big fan of cold soaks in the tub for general overall recovery under the same idea.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    Thanks for both of your replies.

    The compression seems to be helping now that I have it wrapped differently and the ice packs seem to be helping too. I took a hot shower to loosen up the muscle and that seemed to help too.

    Protein is way too high in caloric intake for someone like me who is not trying to body build. I only want definition so when all the fat comes off I don't look like a "bean pole". LOL about Dav's issue with the word "toning"; you don't seriously follow all that bro code and man card stuff do you? But seriously, for the time being I will increase the protein so my body can repair itself; I just wanted someone else's opinion to prove that I understood how proteins work.

    And I will be using lots and lots of cold therapy. Everything I'm reading says that ice is best for acute injury recovery.

    Again thanks for your replies.
  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member
    Definitely sounds like you either pulled a muscle or a tendon, but I agree on the previous posters' recommendations of ice and ibuprofen. I have some chronic tendon issues in my shoulders, and I was told to take 3 ibuprofen (600mg total; yes, this is higher than the recommended dose on the bottle) up to three or four times per day if the pain was very bad. I wouldn't do that for more than two to three days in a row, but the higher dose *really* helps with the inflammation. As far as ice, I've been told 15 minutes on/15 minutes off (to prevent frostbite).

    Also, I just wanted to note that I'm a 5'4" female, also not looking to build huge muscles (mostly trying to maintain muscle while at a calorie deficit to drop a few pounds; I lift heavy weights for an hour 2-3 times per week as well). I have my protein set at 30% and I try to get as close to it as I can every day - that means I'm shooting for *at least* 110-125g protein Every. Single. Day. It's more satisfying than carbs, and in general I think it's a pretty good use of my calorie budget. So I would also agree with the above suggestion to up your protein to at least 25-30% of your calories, even if you're not specifically trying to bulk.

    ETA: the ibuprofen doses should not be taken less than four hours apart; every 6 hours is better (you don't want any internal bleeding or anything...).
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    Thanks for your input. I don't like pain killers because they tax the organs and (because of arthritis pains) I've already put a big strain on my insides taking them over a large period of time.

    I hear what you're saying about the proteins but I'm still not sold. Proteins are good for body building and repairing the body, but other than that it does nothing for energy levels and it doesn't feed the brain. And carbs I'm talking aren't breads and pastas and all the stuff that weighs us down (and our body was never made to eat); I'm talkin' fruits and veggies.

    If you look at the history of man, we were fruitivores before we were omnivores; as a matter of fact, we had to be fruit eaters because not every humanoid was able to catch prey. We were never ambivore (grass eaters a.k.a. grains) and don't even have the digestive enzymes/bacteria for that! So the point I'm getting at is, fruit is our natural fuel; protein is our natural body modifier. Since I don't need to modify my body (except to fix my pec injury) I just need to have the fuel for my day2day tasks.

    If anyone else has advice that isn't listed I'll be checking back, but it looks like Ice, added protein, the occasional ibuprofen (if I need it), and rest is my best bet.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    First, congrats on the awesome weight loss
    Second, up your protein because 15% is way too low. Shoot for 25-30% minimum if you're going to start training.
    Third, don't ever use the word "toning" in public again. It's illegal in 13 states for a male to say the word toning in reference to himself. That's a serious rule right there.

    Sounds like you just overdid it. Consider that the fourth lesson: don't show off for the womens. Never ends well. Seriously speaking, pullups are hard and use a large % of your upper body muscles. You hit them cold with no warmup and no foundation of strength. Never, ever a good idea. You'll be fine, just take it easy for a while. Ease into it next time and make sure you're warmed up. Some ibuprofen tonight would be a good idea as well.

    And next before you show off for da womens (despite rule #4, you will do this again, we all do; it's the curse of being a straight male), Make Sure It's Something You Can Actually Do.

    The man said it best. I'd do at least 30% protein all the time. Even just for satiety reasons alone, nevermind weight lifting! Nothing makes you feel fuller, longer. I have mine set to 35%. It's pretty much the best calorie-for-calorie macro you can eat. 225-250g a day, every day here.
  • Growtinymusclesgrow
    Growtinymusclesgrow Posts: 152 Member
    First, congrats on the awesome weight loss
    Second, up your protein because 15% is way too low. Shoot for 25-30% minimum if you're going to start training.
    Third, don't ever use the word "toning" in public again. It's illegal in 13 states for a male to say the word toning in reference to himself. That's a serious rule right there.

    Sounds like you just overdid it. Consider that the fourth lesson: don't show off for the womens. Never ends well. Seriously speaking, pullups are hard and use a large % of your upper body muscles. You hit them cold with no warmup and no foundation of strength. Never, ever a good idea. You'll be fine, just take it easy for a while. Ease into it next time and make sure you're warmed up. Some ibuprofen tonight would be a good idea as well.

    And next before you show off for da womens (despite rule #4, you will do this again, we all do; it's the curse of being a straight male), Make Sure It's Something You Can Actually Do.

    Great post, couldn't agree with it more! More importantly, I feel it is important to hit on that "toning" term again, just to save you some issues if you ever move to a gym environment. Let me tell you two things. First, "toning" was invented to try to get more females to join gyms back in the 80's. Second, you are either building muscle or you are not. Sounds like you tweaked your muscle, if you do not have any bruising, I wouldn't be to concerned. Rest! Always warm up before working a set of 15 at a light weight to get your muscles warmed up before you attack them.