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I could just cry



  • skinnyone2012
    skinnyone2012 Posts: 85 Member
    And...I might just ps this with...the loss this morning was MUCH more satisfying than that carmel corn would have been.
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    Many have said just have a cup, just have half the bag, just have a bite...this just would not happen with me. I am a bluntly honest person...and an addict to food. I know I would never have just a cup of fresh, warm carmel corn. I would eat the whole bag...and there must be like a gallon and a half in a bag.

    I have accepted the fact that I have to look at some of these things like a drug addict would look at a fix. I want to be healthy. I want to lower my body fat...I want to change my patterns of eating...for me....there is no "just a little bit". For me, there has to be an alternative.

    This is so me, no such thing as a small portion of anything. Nobody would try to talk a drunk into just one beer. (okay lots of people do THAT too). I keep my carbs low (below 50 per day) and avoid all processed foods. By eating a high protein diet with good fats I have found that my intense cravings for products like this and alcohol are almost non existent. I never want food to control me again.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Probably not what you're going to want to hear, but when our carnival comes to town, I let myself have a treat or two a day. I plan for the calories - which means I get less "good" food for that one or two day period. But, I have my cotton candy (a half bag is only around 50 calories) and french fries and, if I feel like it, a candy apple or fried dough. My plan has been to change my eating habits to something I can live with long-term. I'm not "dieting" or giving up anything I truly want. That way, the eating habits I'm establishing during my losing weight phase are something I'll be able to sustain years from now. I can't see restricting myself from everything forever. It's all about the choices and accountability.
  • da1128
    da1128 Posts: 212 Member
    Festival going on here too this weekend, with lots of decadent, delicious treats...and I intend to nibble on this and that. It's a once a year thing and I am going to enjoy myself. The key is moderation. Have a taste, share with someone, and if you feel guilty, work it off! I've already run ten miles this morning and burned 1371 calories, so no way am I going to feel guilty about having a small treat or two.
  • skinnyone2012
    skinnyone2012 Posts: 85 Member
    Many have said just have a cup, just have half the bag, just have a bite...this just would not happen with me. I am a bluntly honest person...and an addict to food. I know I would never have just a cup of fresh, warm carmel corn. I would eat the whole bag...and there must be like a gallon and a half in a bag.

    I have accepted the fact that I have to look at some of these things like a drug addict would look at a fix. I want to be healthy. I want to lower my body fat...I want to change my patterns of eating...for me....there is no "just a little bit". For me, there has to be an alternative.

    This is so me, no such thing as a small portion of anything. Nobody would try to talk a drunk into just one beer. (okay lots of people do THAT too). I keep my carbs low (below 50 per day) and avoid all processed foods. By eating a high protein diet with good fats I have found that my intense cravings for products like this and alcohol are almost non existent. I never want food to control me again.

    Amen sister
  • AbbsyBabbsy
    AbbsyBabbsy Posts: 184 Member
    Many have said just have a cup, just have half the bag, just have a bite...this just would not happen with me. I am a bluntly honest person...and an addict to food. I know I would never have just a cup of fresh, warm carmel corn. I would eat the whole bag...and there must be like a gallon and a half in a bag.

    I have accepted the fact that I have to look at some of these things like a drug addict would look at a fix. I want to be healthy. I want to lower my body fat...I want to change my patterns of eating...for me....there is no "just a little bit". For me, there has to be an alternative.

    Good for you for realizing this about yourself and staying strong! Everyone is different. Some can eat a bite or two and save the rest for later. Some will eat the whole bag. You can't make decisions based on how other people are able to eat. And congrats on your recent loss :)
  • sugboog29
    sugboog29 Posts: 630 Member
    Take a cup and go down and see how much they will charge you for just a cup full. I have no problem explaining why I want what I want. I tell them hey I've lost 112 lbs and there is no way I'm going to screw this up, but this smells so good so can you just sell me a cup full or half a bag full or 1/3 rd of a bag full. Or go buy the whole bag and eat a few bites and throw the rest away so you don't take the rest of the bag upstairs with you. Choices but you know it gives you the small taste your craving without the guilt of eating the whole bag.

    This is what I would suggest too! The worst they could do is say "no".
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Many have said just have a cup, just have half the bag, just have a bite...this just would not happen with me. I am a bluntly honest person...and an addict to food. I know I would never have just a cup of fresh, warm carmel corn. I would eat the whole bag...and there must be like a gallon and a half in a bag.

    I have accepted the fact that I have to look at some of these things like a drug addict would look at a fix. I want to be healthy. I want to lower my body fat...I want to change my patterns of eating...for me....there is no "just a little bit". For me, there has to be an alternative.

    Then I'm happy you didn't go. But, I do hope that part of your recovery will eventually include being able to have just a little. I know you can't now, but I hope that one day you'll get there. :)
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    If it were me and i was that concerned about it then i would take a friend with me and have them eat most of the bag of popcorn and just have a little for myself.
  • AlicynH
    AlicynH Posts: 201 Member
    I've found with me, if I really want something, I'll end up eating everything else until I get what I want. I've seen a couple of people post to exercise and then let yourself have a little treat. Ask for a smaller bag. Good luck.
  • betancourta229
    betancourta229 Posts: 171 Member
    This year I went to the state fair and I always get a Corndog as my treat. This year I can proudly say I walked away from there without one. I just kept reminding myself I don't need that but I do need to lose weight! You can do it! Don't give in trust me you will feel so proud of yourself if you can just resist. I think that you already went three days is AMAZING!
  • Go and buy the bag, split it with someone or save the 2nd half for some other time, then take a long walk at a very active pace while eating your treat.

    when I feel i need a treat like that, i just add an extra activity or extra 10 min run, just make sure to burned down.. it really works for me. dont give up you are doing great!!!!!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    If eating sugar triggers sugar cravings for you then avoid it like the plague- for me a splurge on a sweet treat results in either more (a lot more) sweets or a miserable week of thinking how I want more. If you are the type that can have some and then move on then set aside some calories and work it into your food plan. An occasional treat that doesn’t push you over your weekly calories is a good thing.

    This is what I'm afraid of, plus coming out of ketosis and having to slog my way back in. I want junk food so bad sometimes even when I don't have to see or smell it. Other times, I can walk right past a bakery, get a deep whiff, think it smells great, and not even associate it with food.

    So I figure, something is up with my eating habits that sometimes are balanced just right so that I don't crave anything no matter what, and that are sometimes out of whack so that I don't even need a trigger to crave. But I haven't figured out what that magical combination of nutrients is yet.
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    don't give in!
    i had a really stressful day yesterday and went way over on C"£p for the first time in a month and then i felt horrible, guilty, bad about myself, and so i made myself go for a 50 min run this morning but i have to start again at 0 for no snacking days! and i was at 30 :sad:

    could you try making some popcorn yourself and having a healthier topping ( i assume this is what caramel corn is) try a sprinkling of (melted) brown / muscovado - i love this and actually don't like caramel corn anymore as it is too sweet and oily nad i can taste te poor quality topping!

    good luck and you will feel better if you don't
  • llm161
    llm161 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm like you, I'd eat the whole darn thing and then feel terrible both physically and mentally. I try to just stay away from the temptation but it's so very hard.

    Take care. Take yourself for a walk . . . .away from the carnival.
  • alexp74
    alexp74 Posts: 125
    Try logging it into your food diary and see what it does to your numbers. Information is power! Once I see how bad a food I am craving really is, I'm usually no longer craving it quite so much.

    Thank you for saying that! You just described my day. My wife and I are going to visit her grandmother in the nursing home tonight and after the home her grandfather and her mother always go out to dinner and we'll be going with them too. it's a small home town Italian place, I ran most of the items on the menu including the veal parm which is my favorite, I will have more than enough calories left for those types of meals but after calculating all of them, I lost interest and will just be getting a salad.
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    I admire your will power. Stay strong!!!
  • Mini_Medic
    Mini_Medic Posts: 343 Member
    IDK where you live, but if your live in the U.S. go to bilo or food lion, kroger, whichever grocery store you have and look for quaker *quakes* mini carmel corn rice cakes. They taste JUST like carmel corn and you can have a whole bag for 3g of fat! (Speaking from craving experience here). A big "chip size" bag costs about $3 but they are so healthy and low fat.
  • Sirxx99
    Sirxx99 Posts: 43
    It looks like you are just starting out into your new journey(9lbs lost tag)... If you are working out I would say try and set up a cheat day if you really have temptations. Eat SUPER strict for 6 days and then have a day to eat what you want. Your body can only absorb so many calories in a 24 hr period.

    An anology I like to use is think about having a dozen donuts. Lets say each one was only 200 calories for arguments sake. If you ate them all in one sitting or in one day it would be 2400 calories in one shot rather than spreading out an extra 200 calories a day for 12 days... you are far more likely to absorb an extra 200 calories a day than if you just took a day out and planned it. An extra 100 calories a day more than you need over the course of a year is 10lbs.
    Now I'm not saying go eat a box of donuts. I am just saying that if you are going to splurge just plan ahead and increase your exercise around that time to compensate.
  • Linbo93
    Linbo93 Posts: 229 Member
    You could get a bag, portion some out and eat it while walking around the carnival. Before you go back into your apartment, throw the rest away.

    If you're honestly trying to avoid it all together, I agree with one previous commenter. Look at the people eating the junk food instead. I can usually make that work for myself!

    Whatever you choose to do, don't give yourself too much crap. We are all human.