Eating small breakfast/lunch then a big dinner



  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    I'm blessed to have a househusband who's a wonderful cook, and our big meal is at night. He cooks pretty healthy; I just have to exercise portion control! I've never been a big breakfast eater. I'm also munching throughout the day but make sure most of it is fresh fruit and veggies (no one ever got obese from overdoing those) and a few nuts. I've maintained a weight I'm happy with for over 2 years by breaking the "big breakfast" rules.

    The exception: I used to go to India on business. I had wonderful breakfasts there; spicy relishes, dishes made with chickpeas and potatoes and other veggies... I was in heaven. I did notice that I was a lot less hungry during the morning hours and was able to put off lunch till around 1 PM, which was when the locals in our office ate. I miss those meals but they probably weren't good for my waistline.
  • dsullivan50
    I thought it was better to eat healthy breakfast good lunch and small dinner
  • asjt678
    asjt678 Posts: 60 Member
    I thought it was better to eat healthy breakfast good lunch and small dinner

    I eat a smaller breakfast, HUGE lunch, and smaller dinner.
    I think people say that because some people end up overeating at night when they don't eat throughout the day. As far as health benefits the only thing I can think of is maintaining energy levels, blood sugar and all that scientific stuff I leave for the pros. Also, if you are more active during the day, you will burn the calories off from earlier meals. Where if you at night, you won't have time to burn any of them off. Again, not a pro here. :)
  • misschoppo
    misschoppo Posts: 463 Member
    My eating habits change daily depending on my routine but the majority of the time I have a light snack in the morning as breakfast as I'm usually not hungry for a good few hours after waking up so only feel like something small. Then typically I'll have another small snack before midday followed by a 300 calorie ish lunch & then I eat my largest meal of the day for dinner followed by snacks/dessert. I get most of my calories after 6:30pm.
  • jefox1125
    I have been dieting a short time but I have a average breakfast (1 serving each cereal, OJ, and a banana-400 cal), a small lunch (half a sandwich with lean meats- 200cal) a mid day snack at about 230 (usually a fruit or vegetable - 60 cal) a larger dinner between 5-6pm (lean meat, small salad, pasta or bread 600-700 cal) and an evening snack (usually unbuttered popcorn, a frozen fruit bar, or fruit averaging 100 cal.) I finish each day around 1400 - 1500 calories which is well under my allotted. I have lost about 4-5 lbs. A week by doing this so I think that as long as you keep what you eat in check and don't over indulge in one meal it doesn't really matter how you break up the calories by meal size. Of course 1 1500 calorie meal wouldn't be very healthy.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    Meal timing and frequency have no impact on weight loss. Period. So says science. And science is better then random diet books and magazines.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    I'm also pretty similar. I have a small breakie (if any!) bigger lunch but dinner's the biggest meal of the day. I snack quite regularly throughout the day too and have a hot choc and snacks in bed around 10.30pm ish.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    My question now would be is this less effective than the aforementioned quote?

    Nope. The most effective approach is the one that suits your lifestyle and personal preference...
  • AidaLott
    AidaLott Posts: 13 Member
    I recently had an "epiphany". I stopped listening to what and when everyone else was telling me to eat and started listening to my body. In the morning I enjoy a small 2 oz. piece of Swiss cheese and a big mug of coffee with half and half or cream. As long as I don't eat fruit or other carbs with it, I'm good to well into the afternoon with no hunger. For lunch I'll have a few slices of turkey breast with raw veggies. If I am hungry for a snack mid-afternoon it's usually a piece of fresh fruit and a half oz. of nuts. Dinner is always a huge tossed salad with olive oil vinaigrette and a small portion of protein (lean meat or fish). I eat nothing after dinner. That way I give my body a chance to metabolize my meals rather constantly feeding it a lot of extra calories in the form of snacks. I find I am much more content with smaller meals and fewer snacks, fewer carbs and lots more exercise. In my humble opinion, all the hype about eating 6 times a day is BULLWONKEY! Only my body tells me what and when to eat from now on, and it's amazing how good food really tastes when I'm actually hungry!