Confused (am sure this has been asked a million times )

So i am a middle age woman who is overweight ... would like to lose around 30 kilos. Am fit and active. I entered my details into MFP and it says i am allowed to consume 1840 calories a day (so this is what i need to eat no more no less and i will get a loss ?) I have no problems eating that amount and do try and eat well almost every day. I exercise every day with group fitness classes and burn from around 300 to 700 calories a day (polar heart rate watch) which i then add to my daily count. Then this gives me more calories. A typical day for me is around 1700 to 1900 calories consumed regardless of exercise. Some days are better than others. I dont deprive myself of anything but try and make sure that i stick to that amount and try and have a balanced diet. My clothes are fitting better (wont weigh myself as then it makes it a diet to me then i get obsessed with numbers etc dont want to go down that road again). So am i following it right ??? is that how MFP is supposed to be used ??? Not really understanding what the NET means. I do try have a 500 to 1000 calorie deficit a day.

Chris :)