Need friends who EAT!



  • I'm in! Feel free to add me if you like. I'm human, I make good food choices most of the days, eat 1600cals a day and I usually cook our own meals.

    Happy to have any other friends request of people who feel the same :)
  • Count me in too. With my workouts and jogging 1200cals wouldnt cut it.. I'm working towards getting back into fighting shape/weight. Anyone feel free to add me
  • peter236uk
    peter236uk Posts: 140 Member
    thats me for sure
  • teepeetim
    teepeetim Posts: 99 Member
    I'm looking for more MFP friends...both for encouragement and support, but I'd also love to see other people's meals for ideas! Feel free to add me if you meet the following criteria:

    1) You are human.
    2) You are losing or maintaining your weight.
    3) You eat real food every day, and you never eat less than 1,200 calories per day. Unless you're throwing up or something. I would make exceptions then. ;)
    4) You FEEL good when you make good food choices!

    Oh no, you saw that I had a butter tart before bed yesterday ! Haha, you can add me as a friend. I cheat. But the weight is still (slowly) going down.
  • MeanSophieCat
    MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
    I eat a ton. I'm breastfeeding and I work out at least 6 days a week. My average calorie intake is probably about 1800-2000 calories.

    I'm still losing weight - just slowly :)
  • tlo5
    tlo5 Posts: 16
    Sure you can add me as well. I eat and try to eat as clean as possible. Thanks for posting this! I think it encourages a lot of people who need to know it's ok to EAT. :)
  • MauC25K
    MauC25K Posts: 40 Member
    I will never stop eating! Sending you a request :-)
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I tick all your boxes but would like to add a few of my own

    1. You are not a food nazi - I don't have time to get my food from a farmers market, I do eat pre-prepared foods and I like a bar of chocolate occassionally
    2. Are prepared to accept that I like to exercise a lot and will eat back most of my calories

    If you fit the original questions and the 2 above, fell free to friend request me :flowerforyou:
  • slimlifter
    slimlifter Posts: 61 Member
    Feel free to add me if anyone's into female weightlifters, clean eating, power lifting, chicken & brocolli ;)
  • slimlifter
    slimlifter Posts: 61 Member
    Feel free to add me if anyone's into female weightlifters, clean eating, power lifting, chicken & brocolli ;)

    Forgot to add that I too don't like people on my 'friends' list who eat crap, whine about being fat while eating crap or are just idiots in general and post stupid **** about diets.

  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I love eating and always eat real food, and am happy to share ideas for meals. I keep a blog where I post pics of my meals.

    I do eat a different number of calories each day though, and I do 5:2 fasting to enhance health and longevity, so there are days when I eat less than 1200 calories. And plenty of days when I eat more.

    I'm happy to have new friends who also love eating real food, so feel free to add me, anyone who loves eating and likes sharing recipes and ideas for meals, so long as you're okay with friending someone who does intermittent fasting and whose calorie intake is different each day. I'm not losing weight - I'm focusing on health and wellbeing rather than numbers.
  • tanias001
    tanias001 Posts: 41 Member
    I love my food and have managed to lose 21 kilos in just on 2 years. The slower the better th more chance you havee of keeping the weight off. I have just reset my goal frm 68 kilo's to 66 now just so i have a kilo buffer zone.
    If you really want encouragement and suport and would like to do the same then by all means add me as well.
    Just got through posting that all the other so called friends i have on here bar a handfukl have never commented on the progress and there were times i really could hav use a kind word.
    i would liike to help and support you.
  • Klaks
    Klaks Posts: 37 Member
    I do all of that... but I only eat about 1200 or less calories a day. And I'm perfectly normal! :)
  • Prestissima
    Prestissima Posts: 66 Member
    I love eating good and healthy food (1270 cal per day, but anyway), my diary is open, so you can fel free to add me :)
  • Katt0820
    Katt0820 Posts: 2 Member
    I am new to MFP. Feel free to add me
  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member
    Very seldom do I ever ever go under. I try really hard to eat a healthy diet for the most part. Add me if you like, or just check out my diary, it's open. What ever fits your fancy! Best of luck :)
  • Amen! Nothing more frustrating than people who join this site, eat under 1000 cal a day, and claim how "full" they are, while their online friends cheer them on.. Sounds like you have your head in the right place! :)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Send a FR!

    I run a group of people who eat right to lose weight!
    I can seed you out to my friends as well!
  • jinjin8
    jinjin8 Posts: 220 Member
    Sent you a FR. I'm definitely after friends who tick all those boxes as well. I eat around 1750 per day at least, more some days and my focus is on real whole food.
  • That'd be me! I'm eating 1400 or more calories and most everything I eat is whole, real, healthy foods!