Smoking Neighbours



  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    I had simply been looking at passive ways to stop the smoke from entering my apartment - short of closing the windows. Why would anyone want to keep their windows closed for 24 hours in a day, when the smoke is only around for a portion of the time? I don't know...

    So why not reverse that? Only shut your windows for the short time he is out there smoking? At most, when I was a smoker, it took me 15 mins to finish a cig.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    Of all the threads that need to die a mod related death, this is close to the top of that list. It seems the OP is nothing more than an attention seeking troll who wants nothing more than sympathy and for all to agree with him. And of course if you don't agree with him you're a mean bully.

    Begone troll, begone. Back under the bridge with you.


    Does anyone who actually reads the threads have anything constructive to say? I've explained my situation fairly clearly in my last few posts. I don't feel like I need to repeat myself on what I'm actually trying to achieve again.

    Mind you, I don't suppose there is much else I can actually do. I have taken steps towards trying to alleviate the issue. All I can do now is wait and see if they work. Might as well just leave it.

    No doubt people will continue to post *kitten* responses.
    yeh in the form of meme Troll-Max.jpg

    edited to add gtf over your self close your window or buy a fan
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Wow. People were right about MFP users being real jerks on the forums.

    In every apartment I've lived in before, there have been smokers who lived around me, but the smoke never entered my apartment. This building seems to have a rather unique design and layout in relation to the geography that seems to direct nearly all of the smoker's smoke right into my apartment.

    In Ontario...

    "... every tenant and landlord relationship there exists the covenant of the right to reasonable enjoyment, even if you have not signed a lease. Reasonable enjoyment is the right:

    “to take possession, and to be protected against interference with the tenant’s use and enjoyment of the premises by the landlord or others claiming under the landlord” (Bruce Ziff, Principles of Property Law, 3rd ed., 2000)."

    Second hand smoke can be included in that law.

    and I do know what a "chain smoker" is. This guy goes through multiple packs a day. He has posed problems with other tenants in the building in the past. It took them a few years, just to get him out of the building.

    With all due respect. When posting on a public forum, there will be people who don't agree with your predicament... Sometimes when asking for advice or just venting, we need to take the good with the bad. The smoker 2 floors below you probably thinks your a jerk. He or She have probably lived there for several years without one complaint and then you move in and their choices are being questioned by a new "whiny" tenant...So before you start pointing that finger always remember there are 3 pointing right back at ya.



    Read through the thread again, please.
  • judyann1988
    judyann1988 Posts: 5 Member
    It's really sad how people can be so selfish, "it is ok to empose on someone else's rights in order for myself to be happy"
  • judyann1988
    judyann1988 Posts: 5 Member
    I realize that in the land of the "free," everyone is allowed to walk all over everyone else, and "first come-first serve" is how things work, but up here, where everyone has equal rights, it doesn't matter if the guy smoking were the pope, I still have the right to live in a comfortable environment, windows open or closed.

    So you're thinking that you have the right to move to an area where another person is established and attempt to change their environment by force?

    That's not equal rights.

    Who said anything about using force?

    Secondly, I never once said that the smoker had to do anything at all. Yes, it would be great if we could make smoking illegal, and kick him out of his apartment so I can live here in the comfort of my own home, but that's not about to happen. the best shot I've got is convincing the guy to go smoke on the public patio, instead of his apartment, but I wouldn't count on that happening. I just wish I could move out without and financial consequences, and manage to find a place that is equally as nice, without the damn smoking.

    Man, you're quick to make assumptions.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    It's really sad how people can be so selfish, "it is ok to empose on someone else's rights in order for myself to be happy"

    Again with failing to read through the thread. I made it quite clear that I had no intentions on bothering the smoker and trying to get him to stop smoking on his balcony. I as trying to a) stop the smoke from bothering me, or b) move. The tenant below me didn't even need to know that his smoke was a problem.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I have the same problem with my downstairs neighbors. My air conditioner only goes in the windows right above their back porch, so my apartment becomes smoke-filled as well. Febreeze is how I combat the problem; I cannot tell my neighbors they cannot smoke and I cannot be moved to another apartment. As much as I hate it, it is something we have to live with. I feel like a hypocrite because I used to be a smoker myself, and I wonder how many people's apartments I flooded with smoke! So I feel like this is Karma. . .
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I definitely do not think you are overreacting. Unless you are also a smoker, it is extremely hard to get used to the smell of smoke, not to mention it is simply not good to be inhaling it. I'd keep complaining too. It is not fair you have to be around cigarette smoke in your own home as a non-smoker. Good thing you are not allergic or asthmatic!

    I don't think it is at all a selfish thing to want to protect your health. And the OP by no means is trying to get the man to stop smoking, they just simply want to be moved or else given a solution to the problem.
  • CountryCorgi
    CountryCorgi Posts: 11 Member
    As a land lord (and I'm speaking from several years of experience here), your community manager should place you in a different apartment. Regardless of anyone's opinion of smoking in general, smoking - regardless if you are the smoker OR the tenant stuck with inhaling second hand smoke - is dangerous and a risky health situation. As a tenant, if my landlord refused to rectify the situation, the day my lease expired i would jump ship and research into renting within a non-smoking community.

    In addition, before the pro-smokers jump my case about my statement regarding smoking, I am a smoker in the process of quitting. And although people smoking around me doesn't particularly cause a stir in me, I don't delude myself in thinking that there are no effects or that I won't be affected by it. Certainly the tenant that smokes in his apartment is well within his legal right to do so (as long as he/she is abiding the lease and that the complex does allow smoking), but the poster has a right to live in a safe environment.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    You should move to New York and get some lead roles on Broadway.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I thought this was going to be about neighbours smoking weed! :laugh:
  • BeckaT79
    BeckaT79 Posts: 216
    It's called a fan buy one and stop whining...

    Here are a few links to buy from:

    There are literally thousands of different makes an models....
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • snowdrop_diva
    snowdrop_diva Posts: 142 Member
    It's called a fan buy one and stop whining...

    Here are a few links to buy from:

    There are literally thousands of different makes an models....
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    DId you read his original post? He says he has a fan in each window, so that's been tried. =)
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    It's called a fan buy one and stop whining...

    Here are a few links to buy from:

    There are literally thousands of different makes an models....
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    DId you read his original post? He says he has a fan in each window, so that's been tried. =)

    maybe she should plug the fans in and turn them on. :D
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Sorry, you're having this problem, Jean. I have a neighbor who periodically smokes on the patio and it drifts into my place. When it's stuffy in here, I want the patio door open to air it out, but I have to close it temporarily, so I get where you're coming from, although he's at least not a chain smoker, so it's not as bad as your situation. Good thing, since I can't move. I own my townhouse.

    I have nothing to suggest, but I hope you can either talk to your neighbor or your landlord can help you to find a resolution. Depending on how your building is laid out, can you tell if the other units that are available are facing the same direction? You might find a similar issue if you move and your apartment is facing the same way (with the usual wind directions). Then you will be worse off because you'll be in an apartment you like less and you'll still have smoke coming in.

    It's unfortunate that we can't find these things out before moving in sometimes - I don't care what people say about doing your due diligence first. You can't lurk around a place for hours and days before you rent to watch the habits of neighbors. Often, we can only be shown the inside of a unit in the daytime hours when the neighbors are out at work or at classes. I've been stung on that before where I couldn't tell that there was no sound insulation between units since nobody was home when I saw the place - it was miserable and I had to sublet (at a loss) to someone after only a couple months because I couldn't sleep hearing them walking around upstairs or talking on the phone in a normal voice.

    I'm also sorry to see the way you have been treated in this thread. Some people are clearly being antagonistic and then acting all innocent like they're just giving advice. I've heard about this kind of douche baggery on MFP, but this is the first time I've witnessed it myself. I can see why some people don't want to post on the forums. It's a real shame.
  • KlaMorgan
    KlaMorgan Posts: 72 Member
    WOW, i read just a few of these posts, and what jerks they are!!!! Apparently no one ever taught them manners. If they dont have something positive to help assist you or sympathy for the situation you are currently in, why write on the forum? People are complete a*******, for real.
    I had the same problem living in an apartment before. I just had to close my windows 24/7 and light candles like crazy. Air freshners are a girls best friend lol. Soon as my lease was done, I was running out of that place. Im sorry I dont have anything better :(
  • springseternal
    springseternal Posts: 245 Member
    I think you mentioned being a college student (after 9 pages, I might be getting things mixed up, sorry!) ? Does your college have a legal aid office for students? Where I went to school, we could sign up for a free consultation with legal aid through the college. I would get a notebook and log everything about this, including dates you spoke to landlord and your neighbor, and what was said. Maybe worth emailing your landlord for written records if that's an option for you. Include the steps you have taken--buying fans, air purifier, etc., and keep your receipts. Then I would take the log, and your lease into a legal aid office and find out what, if anything, your options are. You may not have any "good" options, other than waiting out the lease, but it would be worth asking.
  • CatLambee
    The people on the MFP forums aren't "being jerks", OP. They're actually telling you in a pretty polite way that you're being really self-righteous and ridiculous.

    There's no reason for you to be so sensitive to the tiny bit of smoke coming in through your windows from the porch below you. If you really ARE that sensitive, I have no idea how you go outside at all, considering all of the exhaust and other pollutants from vehicles, factories, etc. Do you drive with the windows down? You realize you're inhaling 100x more pollutants from the cars around you than you are from any secondhand smoke from your neighbor, right?

    If it's really a problem, close your window. I would NOT suggest going downstairs and talking to your neighbor, seeing how you post here. If I was your neighbor and someone like you came downstairs to tell me to smoke somewhere else, I'd purposely blow smoke in the direction of your apartment. And have all of my friends do it, too.

    As a former smoker, dealing with people like you pissed me off to no end. Some lady came up to me when I was standing in a parking lot, away from any cars or people...came right up to me and told me that people shouldn't be allowed to smoke outside, swearing and cursing up and down. I was like "Seriously...? You just made an effort to walk across this parking lot like a lunatic and put yourself in my face, where my secondhand smoke actually is, to tell me that I'm polluting everyone else's lungs? Really?"

    Edit: After reading the entire thread (and not just the first three pages) , as per your repeated suggestion, OP, I've come to the conclusion that your attitude is so foul that you deserve whatever sort of uncomfortable situation you find yourself in. This is the internet, and there are going to be people who come into your sympathy thread and disagree with you.

    You say you want people to say something constructive, and a lot of people have. Getting air purifiers seems like a constructive suggestion. So does "close your window" and "more fans" and your own solution of speaking to your landlord. But you STILL insist on crying for a "constructive answer". Since people HAVE done this, my only conclusion is that you don't actually want any advice at all, but more replies along the lines of an out-pouring of sympathy for your very first-world problem.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    WOW, i read just a few of these posts, and what jerks they are!!!! Apparently no one ever taught them manners. If they dont have something positive to help assist you or sympathy for the situation you are currently in, why write on the forum? People are complete a*******, for real.
    I had the same problem living in an apartment before. I just had to close my windows 24/7 and light candles like crazy. Air freshners are a girls best friend lol. Soon as my lease was done, I was running out of that place. Im sorry I dont have anything better :(

    sometimes people need to be told the straight truth.
  • Lipstickandlashes
    Opt for getting a downstairs unit next time.. Until then close your windows or incense works well to cover up smoke however its smoking itself lol or just knock on his door and shoot him in the face haha I kid I kid