Opinions on how much more weight I should lose *PICS*



  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    115-120 sounds great to me! And I agree on the weight training combined with cardio. Keep diet as clean as you can. You'll get there.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Lifting 3 times a week is not a routine, what do you actually do in these sessions, what exercises?
    If it's not a routine, then what is it? Like what is wrong with it?

    Standard bicep curl
    Standard squat
    Single arm bent over triceps extension
    V press biceps
    Single leg squat
    Overheard triceps extension
    Hammer biceps
    Heel squat
    Push ups
    Standard over head press
    Single leg lunge
    Standing reverse fly
    Standing Arnold press
    Single leg dead lifts
    Bent over lat raise
    Frontal shoulder press
    Single leg tap lunges
    Lateral delt raise
    Sumo squat
    Single arm row
    Chest fly
    Bowlers Lunge
    Double arm bent over row
    Bench press
    Single leg sumo squat
    Reverse grip bend over row
    Long arm pullover
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Lifting 3 times a week is not a routine, what do you actually do in these sessions, what exercises?
    If it's not a routine, then what is it? Like what is wrong with it?

    Standard bicep curl
    Standard squat
    Single arm bent over triceps extension
    V press biceps
    Single leg squat
    Overheard triceps extension
    Hammer biceps
    Heel squat
    Push ups
    Standard over head press
    Single leg lunge
    Standing reverse fly
    Standing Arnold press
    Single leg dead lifts
    Bent over lat raise
    Frontal shoulder press
    Single leg tap lunges
    Lateral delt raise
    Sumo squat
    Single arm row
    Chest fly
    Bowlers Lunge
    Double arm bent over row
    Bench press
    Single leg sumo squat
    Reverse grip bend over row
    Long arm pullover

    I just meant saying you lift weights 3 times per week is not a weight routine, you routine is the exercises you do within those sessions.

    You do this all in one session?
  • BabyEj
    BabyEj Posts: 2
    my opinion, ur weight ideal, just eat well and exercise and youll see the results u want.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Lifting 3 times a week is not a routine, what do you actually do in these sessions, what exercises?
    If it's not a routine, then what is it? Like what is wrong with it?

    Standard bicep curl
    Standard squat
    Single arm bent over triceps extension
    V press biceps
    Single leg squat
    Overheard triceps extension
    Hammer biceps
    Heel squat
    Push ups
    Standard over head press
    Single leg lunge
    Standing reverse fly
    Standing Arnold press
    Single leg dead lifts
    Bent over lat raise
    Frontal shoulder press
    Single leg tap lunges
    Lateral delt raise
    Sumo squat
    Single arm row
    Chest fly
    Bowlers Lunge
    Double arm bent over row
    Bench press
    Single leg sumo squat
    Reverse grip bend over row
    Long arm pullover

    I just meant saying you lift weights 3 times per week is not a weight routine, you routine is the exercises you do within those sessions.

    You do this all in one session?

    No, they're broken up into 3. From standard bicep to push up is 1 day, Standard overhead to lateral delt raise is another, and then the rest is the last day. I lift heavy enough to fail at 6-8 reps. Or this month it's like that. The first month was different, we did compound moves & failed at 10-12 reps. I'm doing Chalean Extreme. I guess I'm probably ab to made to feel stupid :( Cuz I kno a lot of ppl who go to the gym disapprove of home programs and stuff. I assure u the weights aren't little barbie weights. I really do lift heavy enough so I fail.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I agree with others about lifting heavy (heavy for you) and your body will change far more than in just losing weight.

    The routine you just posted, I personally feel that a lot of them are unnecessary and you could cut that in half and be fine if not better. Keep the main lifts from that. These are all compound lifts which basically work your whole body, more muscle groups and so get results faster than isolation moves such as bicep curls. Ex:
    - Standard squat
    - standard overhead press
    - double arm bent over row
    - bench press
    - (I'd choose standard deadlift over single leg)

    Then afterwards you can include a few isolations if you wish to target the muscle in one particular area, but I'd keep this at a minimum.

    Edited as I realised you don't do all that in one day.
  • snowdrop_diva
    snowdrop_diva Posts: 142 Member
    You look great!
    I really don't think you need to lose more weight. Toning and shaping is all you really need to build some definition and tighten up some bits. Other wise you look fab !
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    You are my clone - I am exactly the same height, weight and BF as you and even have an identical caesarean scar!
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I agree with others about lifting heavy (heavy for you) and your body will change far more than in just losing weight.

    The routine you just posted, I personally feel that a lot of them are unnecessary and you could cut that in half and be fine if not better. Keep the main lifts from that. These are all compound lifts which basically work your whole body, more muscle groups and so get results faster than isolation moves such as bicep curls. Ex:
    - Standard squat
    - standard overhead press
    - double arm bent over row
    - bench press
    - (I'd choose standard deadlift over single leg)

    Then afterwards you can include a few isolations if you wish to target the muscle in one particular area, but I'd keep this at a minimum.

    Edited as I realised you don't do all that in one day.

    So the other ones are no good? I only do like 5 useful moves. I fail lol All those you posted I can lift the heaviest in, except the overhead press. My shoulders are weak :(
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    You are my clone - I am exactly the same height, weight and BF as you and even have an identical caesarean scar!

    Wow....ummm, i've never had a baby. This makes me....want to cry. My stomach looks horrible :'(
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Your routine is a bit of a mess, how can you possibly track progress with so many different exercises?

    You would better off sticking to the basics.

    Overhead press
    Chin ups/dips

    Record every session in a notepad and try to increase weight/reps each week.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I agree with others about lifting heavy (heavy for you) and your body will change far more than in just losing weight.

    The routine you just posted, I personally feel that a lot of them are unnecessary and you could cut that in half and be fine if not better. Keep the main lifts from that. These are all compound lifts which basically work your whole body, more muscle groups and so get results faster than isolation moves such as bicep curls. Ex:
    - Standard squat
    - standard overhead press
    - double arm bent over row
    - bench press
    - (I'd choose standard deadlift over single leg)

    Then afterwards you can include a few isolations if you wish to target the muscle in one particular area, but I'd keep this at a minimum.

    Edited as I realised you don't do all that in one day.

    So the other ones are no good? I only do like 5 useful moves. I fail lol All those you posted I can lift the heaviest in, except the overhead press. My shoulders are weak :(

    They're not no good as sure they have a place. It's just unnessessary IMO to have that many different exercises - it overcomplicates things when you don't actually "need" them to get great results.
    You don't fail at all, most people are constantly improving and adjusting what works and what doesn't. Just because you might've found something that's better, it doesn't mean you failed before.

    As Hendrix7 has also said, you would be better off sticking to the basics, and it's also a lot easier to track progress.

    Also; shoulders are meant to be the weakest out of those lifts :) If your overhead press is the same roughly as your deadlift then you would seriously need to work on your deadlift!

    The stronglifts 5x5 program might be something to look into. I've heard many good reviews from people on here about that program, and included parts of it into my own routine. As far as I know, it just focuses on the main lifts and people get great results!
  • If it's of any use to have a male's opinion, I don't think you come across as fat maybe just as a little flabby. The only thing that stands out is your belly and your love handles. So strength training should work, just make sure you ask around you at your gym, or better you go for a personal trainer or a class (like bodypump / bodysculpt). But anyhow any man would agree you have an attractive body
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Shorty...you look soo good. So many women would give anything to look like that. I understand that nothing we say matters because it all comes back to HOW YOU FEEL. I agree with many...just tone up what you've got Lil One.

    I would give many things to come even close to the shape you have...the weight you've lost.

    Please dont be so hard on yourself Lil One
  • *bump* I'm in the same boat (almost).
  • renkatrun
    renkatrun Posts: 111 Member

    I said my workout routine up in the post. I lift 3 times a week, sometimes 4. Been doing this for almost 7 wks now.
    [/quote]* edited to show this bit above was a quote...

    I have been a runner for 3 years (after many years not). And I lifted weights with a personal trainer at the gym for the past 8 months. Yes, I saw some improvement. But not much. A little over two weeks ago I started doing the 20 minute Shred because it was too nice to go to the gym... (thinking it would be a breeze and probably too little since my gym workout with heavier weights took 40 minutes) and a week ago I started a paleo eating plan. I have seen huge - unreal - changes in the past two weeks. Not sure why exactly. But I think it has to do with intensity and the combo of strength/cardio at once...

    As for weight on the scale. In college, at my most fit - I weighed 123 lbs. Later I stopped running and got down to 114 (not intentionally) - basically was the same size, but was weak and sickly. I think at one point (as someone has already said) you need to throw out the scale and look at your health - muscles, strength, flexibility and endurance. Ask yourself what your real goals are... Look at this woman and see that she weighs a lot more than you do: http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2011/07/21/meet-staci-your-new-powerlifting-super-hero/

    Good luck!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    I think you look just fine..but if you wanted -- you could lose another five pounds and add some serious weight lifting to really tone more. But that is just because you're in a bikini..i'm sure you look great in regular clothes...and still look just fine in your swim suit. I'm just being super critical..like you really could look like bikini hot with the base figure you have. very hour glass.
  • just tone up
  • Anastasia0511
    Anastasia0511 Posts: 372 Member
    You do not need to lose anymore weight, just need to work on your mid section. Do Insanity :D
  • NocturnalGirl
    NocturnalGirl Posts: 1,762
    Lift heavy weights. It's up to you how much you want to lose, you don't need to lose any but the goal you have set is fine too. Good luck!