Any advice appreciated? :(

Hi there. I'm a total noob at this weight loss thingy so I have a few questions. Any answers would be totally appreciated! Thank you! Oh, first I guess you need my stats.....Well, I'm about 5"2 - 5"4" and I'm 19 years old. I weigh about 137 - 139 pounds. I have a slightly "curvy" build, if you will....ya know, big butt, thicker thighs and wide hips. I have a decent amount of muscle in my calves, they're very tight, and I can see my hamstrings a bit, but I have some fat to burn, too. Oh, and I used an online BF calculator, and my body fat is right in the middle of average. If that helps any!

First question! For the last month or so I've been eating about 1400 - 1500 calories and I haven't lost a pound. My MFP tells me to eat 1500 calories. So when I exercise, burning about 300 calories (sometimes more, sometimes less) my calories go up to about 1800. Should I try eating 1800? I have eaten anywhere between 1200 - 1400 and haven't lost anything, this is the first time I've tried with eating more than 1500 calories.

Second question! My main goal is fat loss vs. weight loss (the scale isn't my biggest concern). I do a circuit routine with strength and cardio exercises 2 - 3 times a week, and the other 3 days of the week I exercise (I exercise 6 days a week!!) is strictly cardio, which I change up a lot. Is this a good way to help lose fat? I change it up, increasing reps, doing different exercises, etc.

Any advice on how to lose some fat? Next year is my sister's 18th birthday, and we're having a beach/summer party and I want to look good in a bikini! I eat a really clean diet, high in protein, with lots of vegetables, fruit, whole grains and some fat-free dairy. I've stopped having treats every week. Now it's only if I'm really really craving them! I don't drink soda, only green tea and water!

Please don't suggest HIIT. HIIT isn't for me. At least not right now ^^;

Thank you! You guys are all awesome! Please forgive me for posting this again, but I didn't really get many answers last time....And I want to know how to start my day tomorrow :)
