Those against Advocare?



  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Here's the issue:

    The product will very likely cause you to create a calorie deficit by replacing a meal (or 2) with shakes, which will cause weight loss.

    So the answer is, the product will work if it causes the user to eat less calories than they burn.

    But "does it work?" isn't the right question.

    ANY method that creates a calorie deficit will work. Can you sustain it? Can you create a calorie deficit WITHOUT advocare and get the same or similar results? Is it economical? Is it remotely enjoyable or would it be better to just eat foods you enjoy and create a deficit that way?

    How many private messages or replies will you get from people who sell advocare, and can you trust that information since you're getting it from someone who financially gains from this?

    These, among others, are some questions I'd ask.
    This post exactly.

    I just dont see the point in spending the $$ on a product such as this when you can "simply" eat less and actually save money, and learn a lifestyle you can sustain.

    I get it, some use it as a motivational tool that gets them fired up to change their lifestyle. A new pair of running shoes always gets my heart pumping in the same manner.

    The point of it is.......advocare and those other products are not needed, and in the end will cost you alot of money and you run the risk of gaining it all back, and more, because you didnt learn the healthy lifestyle that got you there.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    The marketing accounts plaguing this site are enough all by themselves to keep me from ever trying any of the products. It isn't even subtle. And it's extremely irritating.
  • agrigar
    agrigar Posts: 4
    I just started the 24 day challenge. I am by no means in a calorie deficiet. I'm eating a ton of food, I feel much better and I have energy. I know people who have kept their weight off several years. Hubby is actually doing this challenge with me. He has never done a diet in his life. I like the fact that they have products for weight loss as well as weight gain. Many profesional athletes are promoting it too. I decided to give it a try and signed up. Figured I have tried all kind of other diets which were not successful so I had nothing to lose. I did get the advice from my Dr. who said he thought it was a great product. Also, with the discount I get, I can get the advocare cheaper than I can products at GNC or the vitamin shop.
  • Like an idiot, I Started the 24 day challenge 1 week before Milwaukee's Summer Fest. I made the decision to do this with my best friend who is highly overweight, without thinking about future events. We still went to Summer Fest 2 days in a row (Concert tickets were non-refundable). So, we were actually able to pass up all that greasy delicious food. It was hard, but somehow I believe it was easier on the 24 day challenge. My friend lost 7 lbs in the first 5 days. I lost 4 lbs in the same period.
    We both plateaued at that loss

    To be fair, I am already TOO skinny at 197. Thankfully, I am not conscious of my weight. However, very conscious of how proportionate I am. My goal Weight is between 205 and 220. The problem is that I have a very small torso, and a big gut... which makes me look pregnant with twins. I was personally looking for a proper gain in weight (After losing the stomach). My eating habits were TERRIBLE! Culver's and Starbucks EVERYDAY! So you can imagine how much depression I suffered from.

    After TOTALLY giving up on Starbucks and Culver's and all junk in between, I can honestly say I feel GREAT. Not a day of depression. I wound up losing weight, but wasn't happy with that because it wasn't noticeable in my problem area. I am
    very strong and near the top end of my Cross-Fit Classes. So exercise is certainly not the problem.

    I am not unhappy with trying the 24 day challenge because it was extremely helpful in getting me to eat right and stay eating right. I mean, really, who the hell starts a regiment days before the worlds largest music festival? Me lol

    It was certainly worth it... hover the side effects are AWEFUL!
    I think I lost all my friends due to the obnoxious gas problems. It's SOOOOOO bad! As you breath, you can feel the stench linger on the back of your throat.

    In conclusion, yes it helped me eat right and it made me feel the BEST I have ever felt... Or was that just the food change? Even though it is WAY too expensive, I will continue to try the Advocare products, but, lightly tread. I feel GREAT minus the gas...
  • The vitamins and supplements in the 24 day challenge made me sick to my stomach. My stomach isn't overly sensitive, but I just couldn't do it. The person I bought it from said they hadn't ever heard of that happening. Guess advocare "isn't for everyone" afterall.

    And yes, I am sure it was the supplements because as soon as I stopped taking them, I felt better! I'll just stick to eating healthy and working out!
  • Advocare - We have friends that did advocare and had very good results, but I don't think it matters whether it is Isogenix, Advocare, or just a change to a healthy diet and exercise.. whatever sparks the drive to motivate you to stick with your plan to reach your goals is ultimately a good choice in my opinion.

    Is it a scam or all marketing if it actually works, a lot of people have good results with Advocare? I'm not defending these companies they do come off like it is a too good to be true product... but are we all suckers if it is working?

    I've been over eating for years, lowering your calorie intake is not necessarily bad,.. meal replacement shakes/drinks are not bad things doesn't need to be Isogenix it can be a cliff bar or whatever..
    I lost weight when I took control of my diet on myfitnesspal but I trailed off the plan. I've been trying to do Isogenix for 7 weeks now and I've lost enough weight to jump start the motivation to exercise more.. Myfitnesspal was great in the beginning, Isogenix is working now, and I've added exercising.. this combo has given me the confidence to continue to try to reach my goal... hopefully I can say that in 3-4 weeks.

    It was a coin flip between Advocare and Isogenix, I like the Spark product but I wanted to try Iso.. I honestly did not want to do Advocare or Isogenix at all but my wife did, and I'm glad we started because we both just followed the plan and kept an open mind, now we feel pretty good compared to where we were months ago. It definitely doesn't need to be these products and they do look douchey, sound fake and I feel like a douche talking up one of them but I went in with an open mind and a goal, I said I would try it for a month I've continued and its been fine.. it is a little expensive but really it's not so bad I don't eat fast food or go with the default pizza man, and I don't starve. Following the plan and making healthy choices is still the goal.

    Eating right and healthy is expensive too, organic fruits, meats and veggies are expensive.. I think this gets blown out of proportion about the costs, but again who am I to say everyone is different and entitled to their opinion, I just hope the people that knock it have tried it. I was knocking it too a lot before we started or even decided which 'cleanse' we were going to do now fortunately I'm in month two with no regrets.

    Iso is not so calorie deficit but it really depends on your BMI, you're at anywhere from 1300-1500 calories daily which if the shake doesn't satisfy you add some healthy snacks beyond the ones you should be eating throughout the day... I don't know about Advocare.

    Do what it takes (safely) to keep you motivated to reach your goals and sustain a healthy lifestyle.. ask your local health provider for their opinion first (obviously).
  • I use the product. I only do one replacement shake a day if at all. I use it when I am in a rush and can't get something better in me. I still take in close to my 1700 calories I am supposed to before exercise. I still think the 220 calories meal replacement is better then the 450 calorie sausage egg mcmuffin. If I get anywhere near 1000 calories per day I actually gain.

    Even when I was clean eating I am sure I was missing some vitamins and nutrients that are in the supplements.

    And I used to do Slimfast-lost absolutely nothing. 22 g of sugar vs 12 in advocare 10 g protein vs 24 in advocare.

    Advocare supports healthy eating. My friend did a weight loss clinic. She couldn't eat a lot of food. NO fruit? really. The cleanse of the clinic took her out for 3 days. And only being able to drink distilled water?

    And lets be real. Many of the natural nutrients in food isn't what it was years ago. Hydroponic and green house grown food hardly has flavor and if they don't add nutrients to the water there aren't the same as naturally from the soil.

    My main thing find out what works for you. Every body reacts to things differently and has different needs. For me this works. For a friend being under 1000 calories and one maybe 2 meals a day works for her.
  • I agree!! When I ordered the 24 day challenge I had no idea it meant I would be swallowing what felt like 24 pills a day!!!