Having issues with my hip!! Now what????

I've been living my new healthy life style for about a month now and my main form of exercise is walking. I walk 5 to 7 days a week for 30 to 45 minutes each day. From the first day I started walking I had issues with my knees, calves, shins, and my right hip joint. As of yesterday I walked my 2 miles in the 45 minutes so not too fast and nothing hurt on me but my right hip. I'm just looking for some insight from others on what they think and what I should do for exercise because I think walking today is out of the question. Is this normal for a big person or should I be seeing my doctor asap. I haven't started any strength training at all yet but I am joining a gym today. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!


  • vtachycardia
    As your activity increases you will find that lots of things start to hurt, but PAIN is a different thing altogether. Pain, then the doctor is the person to consult. Pain hits thin, fat, fit, unfit.

    Trying to say what the cause of the pain is impossible. Your gait may be wrong, shoes, muscle imbalance between the many muscles in your leg, groin strain, tightness and knotting of muscles which may be more to do with a back problem and the list is endless and again these issues are not confined to the overweight.

    Once you have a medical opinion, I would consider this:

    Instead of gym membership for 12 months, consider a personal trainer bimonthly or monthly or if you can afford it get both. Getting a PT will allow you to learn the exercises properly, they will set you an achievable program of activity, they will advise you safely and healthily. The personal trainer I would choose would be a qualified functional trainer and functional therapist, so they not a only deal with fitness but they can provide additional services in terms of well being - like massage, scraping, correction of gait, shoulders, thoracic spine, nutrition plans and much more. PT's are cheap for what they do, they work in a competitive market and you want the best qualified for your cash and testimonials from athlete clients.
  • carriecawley