I've left...and now I'm back.

bizymama Posts: 30
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Okay, so I started out devoted and followed this program religiously. I journaled, weighed in, calorie counted and worked out all to lose 20 pounds! I'm really proud of my achievement....but I've strayed. I slacked...I got comfortable.:ohwell:
Now the holidays are approaching, and the wonderful world of food and baked goods will be teasing me. Although I have not had a gained and I'm able to maintain my weight....I have cheated and messed up.:explode:
I haven't lost anything lately...I'm on a plateau. I'm really scared to un-do all my hard work!! So I'm back to journaling because I've realized that is what keeps me on track and diciplined. I am also back to my daily walks...if not outdoors, then on that nasty treadmill.:grumble:
So...I'm back....ready to get motivated again and back on the right track. I need support, just like everyone else. I'm going to enjoy the holidays because it's my favorite time of year!! I am just going to make wise choices. I won't deprive myself.....I'll just think before I put on my plate.:noway:
I'll remember what it felt like to step on the scale and see the number reduced. Wish me luck!! :happy:


  • I'm in the same boat! I was doing so well then slacked but now trying to get my butt back in gear and I know it's going to be more difficult with the holidays coming up here! I beleive I can make wise choices though and logging in foods truelly is a GOOD way to keep going! Good luck to you :happy: :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • OH How I know what you mean about having success and then getting a bit too comfortable! I am in that very same spot, and have just vowed to not let my results get overrun by laziness and the up-comming "treat" season :grumble: !

    I have been eating right, and working out, but taking advantage of the fact that I can indulge a bit here and there, and just tell myself "Oh, youre working out, you can have it" or "Come on, you still are fitting in the skinny jeans"....I just dont want to lose all sense of control!

    In one week of getting back into logging my food and exercise, I see better where I can "tighten up" and I feel better for knowing :happy:

    Stay strong! We are here all trying to maintain healthy lives right with ya! :flowerforyou: :wink: :happy:
  • Oh thanks you guys!! :flowerforyou: If there is one thing I know I can count on it's the wonderful support of the people here on this site!! This site is awesome....when you leave...you don't really leave. I wish everyone good luck in living healthier lives.....keep going, I am! :drinker:
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