Newbie trying to drop another 45#

ksrgatorfn Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all! I just signed up yesterday..what a great tool! I am actually on Physicians Weight Loss, but I wanted a tool to track my food and exercise along with the guidelines that I was being prescribed to follow. I have been a part of an at work "Biggest Loser" challenge for the last 12 weeks (this is the last week...) and have dropped about 18 pounds just through watching what I eat. But I wanted to take that extra step beyond the challenge (my team is in the lead BTW!) because my 40th birthday is coming up in 2 months, and I want to be "Fit and Fabulous at 40"!

I started at 231# 12 weeks ago, and am officially 213# as of this morning. I am hoping to get down to 170 or so by next summer so I can enjoy myself instead of hiding inside in baggy shorts and T-shirts.

I look forward to using the place daily, and hearing from others who are making their way to a healthier life just like me!



  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    Congratulations on your progress. This site has some great tools. It amazes me all of the food in the database. I search for a food thinking "surely this isn't in there" and it is! I find it easier to track online and the fact that this is free is amazing. The people are also very supportive.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Welcome and good job! Stay here and you will hit your goal!!!
  • la4et
    la4et Posts: 134 Member
    I too started because of the biggest loser at work- we did it for 2 months, I won and continued. I started at 205 and am now at 152!! You can do it. I joined MFP in July, it helps.
    Keep up the good work and keep doing what you were doing because it worked. Don't replace it with this, use this in addition to what you were doing.
    You will look Fab at 40
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