First 10K in 4 years! Can I do it?

I haven't run a 10K in about 4 years. In fact, I haven't run 5+ straight miles in at least 2 years. I used to run 5 miles/5 days a week, but over the past 2 years, I only run a few times a week AND not more than 3 miles....and sometimes...I walk some of it. I know I can do it as I've done it before. I just need to get remotivated. Problem is...the 10K is in 6 weeks. Do you think I can train enough in 6 weeks to be able to run the whole 10K?? Any training and diet tips would be very much appreciated. I'm nervous about this! Thanks!!


  • jenniferstanton
    jenniferstanton Posts: 132 Member
    You can do it! Especially if you've done it before. I started running three miles in July and now I'm up to six just this week. You could increase a half a mile each week? I think weight training on opposite days of running is also recommended. Good luck!
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    You can totally do it. Just gradually build up, maybe increase your mileage by 1/2 mile per week. Really, if you are already running 3, you can do will be your mind that holds you back, not your body, if that makes sense. Run 3-4 days a week, and cross train two other days, take one full rest day (or more if you need it). Make sure you have good shoes. You'll be fine!
  • RedondoJen
    Thanks Jennifer and Sara. I like your tips. I plan to increase my mileage by 1/2 mile each week. Glad to have a plan.