Calorie Burn Feedback


Would love some feedback/help on calorie burn if anyone has a moment to spare.

I've been trying to get an idea of how many calories I burn on my exercise bike, I use a fitbit to record my activities, I've tried wearing the fitbit on my ankle and on my thigh, the fitbit measures the steps accurately both ways as one revolution a step, but the ankle is twice the calories burned as the thigh.

If I put the activity in MFP it comes up with calorie burn about the same as wearing the fitbit on my ankle.

However it seems very high.

I have also tried to google this topic but I have found conflicting information.

Using this site I get a result similar to wearing the fitbit on my ankle, and to MFP.

Now for some figures.

I currently weigh 313 lbs. I do 30 minutes on the exercise bike without dipping below 20km/hour. I push the resistance as high as I can handle. It is hard work, for the same of the calculator on healthstatus I called it moderate.

The results I get are usually between 500-600 calories burned. I can't help but feel this is too high.

When I first started using the exercise bike I did struggle to do 10minutes. If I push it I can do 40 now.

I realise for an accurate figure I would need a HRM, but I just want to know if the figure is in the ballpark or should I wear it on my thigh, effectively halving the calorie burn.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.




  • lmwfrosty
    lmwfrosty Posts: 16 Member
    The estimate from the fitbit is not going to be accurate because you have to consider when using a bike (stationary or not) it's more efficient in terms of energy than just walking or running would be. Your weight is supported by the bike, which will decrease the amount of calories burned and you cover ground much easier in a bike than on foot. but also keep in mind that caloric burn will usually be a rough estimate of what you're actually doing. Everyone is different and we all burn calories according to how our unique body works.