New & Need Advice

Hello All,

I have started this diet on Friday and have been using the app on my Ipod phone. I have now today inputted all the information onto the website on my computer and although I am coming in well within my calorie points, at the very bottom I have got a -17 in red for fat and -6 in red for protein ??

Am I ment to be having above 0 on all the 4 main headings at the bottom of the page ? Got another 300 calories left today !!

Thank you for your help as I am now worrying that all the hard work I have been doing is wrong !!!!

Dave :)


  • katymcd81
    katymcd81 Posts: 73 Member
    If you open up your diary people can look at it and perhaps offer some help?
  • Funeral09
    How do I open up my diary Katy ? Im new to this and still finding my way around :)

  • katymcd81
    katymcd81 Posts: 73 Member
    Sorry, I should have said!

    Go to 'settings' right at the top of the page, and then to 'diary settings'. Scroll down til you get to 'diary sharing' and click the button next to 'public'. You can always change it to private or friends only again later if you want to :)