


  • arachniagirl
    arachniagirl Posts: 64 Member
    My wife has been suffering from migraines for weeks at a time for all of her life as well. She finally got tired of it and went to a neurologist. They did a full blood workup and performed a mri (to rule out any other issues). The neurologist then started her on Topomax. It has been a life-changing drug for her. It takes a few weeks to really start working, but since that point she has been 100% headache free!!!

    Topamax works very well at preventing migraines, Lamictal is another that gets good results.

    Another thing that I've found is that my migraines can be triggered by low blood sugar - eating small frequent meals throughout the day helps.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    See a neurologist who specializes in migraines.

    I had them for nearly 30 years and tried EVERY drug out there with no success. He had me log everything I ate, what I was doing, what the weather was like, my blood pressure, stress levels, any meds I took, etc. I was able to pinpoint triggers and learned how to avoid them if possible. Some of my triggers were smoke, perfumes, foods like citrus and alcohol, sunlight, loud noises and believe it or not Tylenol. Tylenol was a big one because it's in a lot of meds that you take for migraine relief. It causes rebound headaches/migraines that you will have daily. I am on a pain med that I only take when I have one now and it still has tylenol in it but it works so I deal with it. I call the nagging headache that it gives me for 3 days afterwards, my migraine hangover. You also need to find out what type of migraine you have. I have both regular migraines and cluster migraines. The only thing that works on the cluster migraines is pure oxygen and sometimes very strong meds in the ER to calm me down and help me relax, rather than bang my head on the wall. Yes, I really did bang my head on the wall!
    One day when I was having a migraine, my blood pressure went through the roof. It was 209/109! My neurologist put me on prednisone and Verapamil. I took the prednisone for just a week. Verapamil is a drug that is used mainly for high blood pressure but sometimes works for prevention of migraines. I ended up on the highest dose to control my crazy blood pressure but it worked! I have since lost 40lbs and am on a lower dose but I will tell you that it changed my life. I am able to exercise and make my heart beat like crazy and not get a migraine. I'm happier and I don't fear weather changes or sunlight anymore. I still have to avoid smoke of all types like the plague but it's worth the trouble.
    Again, see a neurologist who specializes in migraines! They changed my life and I sooo wish I would have gone sooner!
    Good luck and I pray you get relief soon! <hugs>
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    My wife has been suffering from migraines for weeks at a time for all of her life as well. She finally got tired of it and went to a neurologist. They did a full blood workup and performed a mri (to rule out any other issues). The neurologist then started her on Topomax. It has been a life-changing drug for her. It takes a few weeks to really start working, but since that point she has been 100% headache free!!!
    I'm glad that Topamax worked for your wife. I took it and became a zombie and it didn't even work. :( I felt like I had alzheimers! I forgot where I was going all the time when I was in college. I would forget what campus I had to go to, I'd pass my classroom and wander around looking for it. Finally I figured out that I had to put sticky notes in my car before I left the house so I wouldn't forget where I had to go to! I also would spend 2 HOURS at the grocery store because, even though I had a list, I'd forget things on it and have to walk back across the store, over and over to get stuff! I also had a horrible time taking exams. Omg it was bad!!! I also couldn't write or spell words correctly, I couldn't recall stuff I had memorized and I was in an Anatomy and Physiology class so I had a LOT of memorizing to do. Finally my kids said that I was overmedicated after I couldnt even hold a conversation with them that made sense, I went back to the Dr. and he took me off it.
    I know all of the above sounds crazy but please keep an eye on her. I should have realized that there was a problem with it sooner but I thought that maybe it was just stress from working, going to school and raising teenagers and ignored the symptoms. I'm now on verapamil with, I'd say about a 95% success rate. Please take note of the drug in case your wife needs to go off the Topamax and I pray she never gets crazy like I did while on it. :)
  • TXtstorm
    TXtstorm Posts: 163 Member
    I used to have migraines from the time I hit puberty and increasing in frequency and severity until about 15-16 years later. At their worst I had severe headaches, often with nausea and minor to moderate visual impairment along with the other sensory discomforts, probably 3-5 days per week. Obviously there were hormonal triggers, but like another poster, I also have sinus issues that can bring on a migraine when the sinus problem gets severe enough. The thing that changed the headache frequency to only occasional was when I stopped taking birth control pills. That just left the sinus trigger for most of my headaches, maybe 2-3 per month of only 24-36 hour duration. I had chronic sinus problems leading to bronchitis 6-8 times a year and pneumonia once every year or two. A doctor put me on Triamcinolone nasal steroid spray and Singulair (montelukast), and as the worst of my sinus symptoms were controlled, I dropped to 1 headache or less most months. Since I improved my diet and water intake (though I did drink mostly water before and was already aware that dehydration could precipitate a headache) a couple of months ago I think I've had only one headache. I still occasionally will have a headache tied to hormones one day a month, and it can be during my period or at ovulation.

    Point of the post... if you use hormonal birth control, look into other options. If you have sinus allergies, try to think about whether they come and go or if they hang around most of the time and you've just gotten used to living with them. If it's the latter, talk to your doctor about options to improve that problem and see if the headaches will follow.

    Best of luck... I know how miserable it can be.
  • molesend
    molesend Posts: 1 Member
    I used to have 3 day migraines if I ate the wrong thing (keep a food diary) or if I was stressed and/or low blood sugar. Can be a combination of things. Alcohol of any kind was a no no.

    I began with them during menopause ... I am now in my 60's and am on citalopram 10mg (small dose) which is a SSRI and since being on this medication I have not had a migraine .. I can even drink alcohol!!! I still watch my diet as I am troubled with skin allergies but I personally feel low serotonin can be a problem with migraine susceptibility. Your doctor will tell you its not but its worked for me. Good luck
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Migraines can also be caused by low potassium levels. Make sure you are getting plenty of potassium rich foods.
  • redd_i_tor
    redd_i_tor Posts: 2 Member
    I found that Splenda was giving me a headache. I was using it in my coffee or tea, on cereal, my fruits and just overdosing on it, using a dozen packets a day or more. I only cut that out and my headaches went away.
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    Maybe you are addicted to caffeine.. I saw you cut that out? I still have coffee or an energy drink everyday because without it, I get headaches...
  • missym357
    missym357 Posts: 210 Member
    Max-alt really helped me in the past. I stay away from alcohol, keep my caffeine under control and workout a lot- these are the things that really seem to help me.
  • tracey1404
    I'm not sure if related but I started to take starflower supplement for Pre- menopausal flushes. My migraines diminished considerably, sometimes I get auras for 40 minutes or so but no lasting headaches. It may just be coincidental but it might be worth a punt.
    SASSYnCHICago Posts: 98 Member
    I found several things that helped alleviate my migraines:
    History – determining what my triggers where: hormonal, weather and diet.
    Hormonal – well not much you can do about being a healthy women but I tried using IUD birth control to help regulate my menstrual cycle and it back fired. BC could decrease, have no effect or increase the frequency of migraines. I did research and the type of IUD (meridian) was shown to have a decreasing effect on migraines, but the opposite held true for me – so I stopped. I found that my natural cycle is pretty regular so it’s best that I don’t take anything that changes my estrogen levels.
    I went to a Headache specialist, and we tried to control them by medication. I had become an addict to OTC – Excedrin for migraines, and Advil – these caused me to “rebound headaches” lasting for 10 straight days so that’s why I sought out professional help. Immetrix always caused nausea and made me drowsy but generally helped, but I found it difficult to work under this medication type. I found that Maxalt works the best for me. I take them ASAP when I feel a migraine coming on – one day b/f menstrual cycle, and when a weather front comes in. It controls it, and now I only have to take about 2-3/month. I wasn’t totally convinced that medication was the only way to alleviate them so I looked at other resources.
    I went to Wellness Source - Chiropractors, Dr. Jim Lopez in Chicago, and there is also a Glenview location. He has made all the difference. He provided not only chiropractor care, with adjustments to my neck, back to help correct my posture, turned vertebral, and upper neck pain, but he influence me to change my diet, and we did prevent core & back strengthen exercises. I was able to lose about 25 lbs, and have gotten into the best shape of my life in over 20 years – I swim, bike, run – as I will be doing my first triatholyn at the end of this month. I also love to kickbox and do weight training – none of this was possible when I was suffering form 10-15 migraines a month, so I am so happy of the life changing effect that I made. I now feel like I’m more in control of the pain, instead of the pain in control of me!
    Hope that you find my comments helpful and if you would like to become MPF friends, I’m open to request.
  • likemeinvisible
    I have low blood pressure and when I cut salt and caffeine it got lower to the point of giving me migraines. I now drink coffee and add salt and have no issues.
    If it's sinus related then you may try black pepper, it works against headaches. Have a bloody mary without the alcohol.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    I had debilitating migraines a few years ago. They'd be so bad I couldn't get out of bed, would last 24-30 hours, and I had them once or more per week. I had to withdraw from college for a semester while I was trying to get it under control.

    My neurologist couldn't figure it out for a while, but finally gave me a long list of foods that were high in nitrites in hopes it might help. No exaggeration, everything I ate was on that list. Frozen meals, prepackaged foods, processed meats and cheeses, red wine, chocolate, all of it. As soon as I cut those out (which was hard seeing as it was my entire diet), the migraines vanished.

    I now avoid frozen dinners entirely and rarely have things like processed prepared food or lunchmeats. Red wine will do it almost every time. I get migraines very infrequently now, maybe only once or twice a year (and they usually occur due to a combination of stress, lack of sleep, and eating these types of foods).

    I wish I had the list but it's long gone; I'll try to find something similar for you.
  • herstrawberri
    herstrawberri Posts: 347 Member
    My wife has been suffering from migraines for weeks at a time for all of her life as well. She finally got tired of it and went to a neurologist. They did a full blood workup and performed a mri (to rule out any other issues). The neurologist then started her on Topomax. It has been a life-changing drug for her. It takes a few weeks to really start working, but since that point she has been 100% headache free!!!

    Topamax works very well at preventing migraines, Lamictal is another that gets good results.

    Another thing that I've found is that my migraines can be triggered by low blood sugar - eating small frequent meals throughout the day helps.

    I get bad migraines as well and have tried almost all of the meds listed. Topomax, for me, was HORRIBLE. It made me spacey, as in I kept losing my train of thought, itgave me a fever every day and it didn't help at all. I have read that is does help some people, but for me...it was one of the worst I have tried.

    I used to get a migraine3 or 4 times a week...some of them lasting for weeks at a time. It was horrible. Some days, i thought I was literally dying. I have totally revamped my food and it has helped. I have totally cut out processed food and I limit carbs and have limited my sugar. It has worked for me, but again, this isn't for everyone. It has really brought my migraines down, but I still get them.

    The ONLY drug that has ever worked for me is Treximet. Expensive depending on your health coverage, but that is the ONLy thing that has worked for me.

    I'm going to try magnesium and see if that helps. I wish you the very best and I hope you are able to find something that works for you.
  • gingersnapx00
    Are you on any birth control hormones? I struggle with migraines as well and have tried many things as well. I have found that being on a low dose of hormone limits the amount of migraines I get, which enables me to function better. Are yours debilitating? I know once I have one, I have to be in bed for the rest of the day and can't function, which can be hard with three kids.
  • MummaSue
    MummaSue Posts: 242 Member
    You definitely need to be under a Dr's care for these, first and foremost.

    I have had migraines for almost thirty years. It wasn't until I was prescribed propranolol (the generic of Inderal) for another health problem that I noticed some relief.

    Propranolol was originally used to treat blood pressure issues but used in small amounts it is very effective in helping to prevent migraines.

    You do need to be careful of dosing because if like me, your blood pressure is great you certainly won't need a very high dose.

    I simply take one very tiny pill once a day. I'm not saying that I never get migraines anymore but they have been lessened greatly.

    God Bless You and good luck!:smile:

    I've suffered with migraine attacks for years, still don't know what all the triggers are, cashew nuts is one - maybe stress? Can't pin it down, but daily Propranolol seems to have pretty much fixed it, having tried all sorts of other treatments under the care of a GP. If I do get a migraine now - and I do now and again, but not so badly - I take 2 Migraleve (pink) contains an anti-nausea drug then follow up, as/if needed with 2 co-codamol at a time (which is the same as the yellow Migraleve) You should only take these for a very limited period though - read the packet!

    Hope you find a solution that suits you - I know how miserable it can be ... you have my sympathy :flowerforyou: x
  • jamifaith
    Lol I love the things that people have said about topamax because thatss exactly how I was when I was on it. Im surprised I ever remembered my own name. :P

    My advice is to find a doctor who is concerned about figuring out what causes your migraines. some doctors do not want to deal with that and will just go thru a long list of medications but that will just put your body on a horrible rollar coaster of side effects and withdrawals, always with the possibility of a medication "workig" but only for a couple months. It will be worthwhile to work with a neurologist/chiropractor/nutritionist/allergy doctor or whoever it is to help you find the most natural way possible to solve your migraine. Also, if you dont like the answers you are being given, GET A SECOND OPINION. I was seriously one of the quirkiest most energetic kids ever but I suffered from migraines. When the medication prescribed didntt solve my migraines the nuerologist told my parents that I was lying about my migraines and he encouraged them to put me on antidepressants even tho I have an ABNORMAL MRI!!!!
    Find a doctor who you trust and who trusts you and who isntt just going to throw a bunch of drugs at you and hope for.the best
    There IS a cause to your migraines and though it might takr.time, you can find the solution.

    Until then, I encourage the things.that have been mentioned. Eat as clean and organically as possible. Avoid anything with a long shelf life, get massages often and WRITE DOWN everything about your day whenever you get a migraine. Everything you ate, everything you touched, the fabric of the clothes you wear, any detail you can think of and maybe aftet a couple weeks/months you and your doctors will be able to find the common link amoung all the horrible migraines.
    Good luck. :)
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    You might want to search our a chiropractor who has experience with headaches and migraines. There is a sign in my chiro's office that says "Migraines are not the result of a shortage of asprin." I was chatting with one of his migraine patients and she told me he had made all the difference in the world for her.

    This. I have had migraines since I was in a car accident at age of 16. We (my parents and I) tried everything. Someone eventually suggested a chiropractor, and since I was to the point I would try anything, we went. It was GLORIOUS!! I had one adjustment and was migraine free for approximately 6 months. Now that I am older (40), I get a monthly adjustment. Very seldom do I have to resort to meds. Good luck!
  • squankmuffin
    squankmuffin Posts: 130 Member
    Wow! Thanks for all the feedback. I am switching GPs soon, which is causing part of the problem as the old GP doesn't want to do anything much. Which is understandable. I've got a few things to try.

    Thank you very much.
  • spiregrain
    spiregrain Posts: 254 Member
    I used to get migraines that were triggered by cayenne pepper. It seems to be a semi-common trigger but it's rarely listed as a common migraine trigger for some reason.

    My BFF gets chronic migraines and was recently diagnosed with Hashimoto's syndrome. Apparently that can cause chronic migraines. Even propranalol and imitrex were not really helping her anymore, so she was really desperate. So, people with chronic migraines, get your thyroid checked, just to make sure, especially if you are also experiencing mood-related symptoms.