Fell off the wagon big time :(

Hey guys, I am feeling real guilty. I haven't logged into MFP for months. I've put on like, 3kgs and lost all muscle tone. I'm starting my exercise regime again but still feel like I need some motivation. Anyone else out there lost motivation? If so, how did you get back into it? Sorry for being a whiney so and so. Lol!


  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    Been there...too many times to count!

    The main thing is to get back on it now. Not tomorrow, not next week, not after the pastry, not after-that-big-event, but NOW!!!

    And I don't mean going like a bat out of hell and spending 6 hours in the gym on half a cup of cabbage soup - that's insane. I just mean getting used to making better choices like healthier snacks, drinking more water, walking a bit more, etc.

    Also, don't beat yourself up. The slip-up happened; cursing yourself won't change that. Just focus on a new and better future.

    Whether I can 'practice what I preach' when my own motivation drops, remains to be seen...!

    Good luck!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    What happened that made you stop logging in? Was that when things changed and you "fell off the wagon"? If so, there's only one thing to do. Decide what you want to happen. What do you want - right now? Today? If it's to get healthy - then you know what to do. Get busy and do it.
  • mona_patty
    mona_patty Posts: 170
    everytime that you fall off the wagon, you need to get back but take with you the experience. Ask yourself why haven't you logged in to MFP, how did I can weight? and see what patterns to change.

    I have been on and off the wagon so many times, but each time I get on I try to work on a goal and every time is a different goal until I accomplish it. I no longer drink regular or diet soda, occasionally I do. Now I have to work on not ordering junk when eating out, and I am trying to cook more at home. Keep strong, you will get there.
  • myth4ever
    myth4ever Posts: 372
    1 small step at a time.....log your meals
  • boreshagal
    You are not whiney. You are honest. I have fallen off the wagon on my own many times. This time though, I blogged, got some good advice, allowed my pity party to not pass 24 hrs and boom, I am back this morning with a renewed hope I did not have yesterday. You have to make yourself accountable. First off, get yourself some really good MFP buddies that will be there for you, but most importantly, be there for them. Sometimes helping others gets us off the track of our own problems and allows us to focus on the needs of others, which in the end helps us! Good luck to you.
  • aquapup
    aquapup Posts: 81 Member
    I have done that too since I joined MFP, but the best advice I have is the sooner you get back into your routine the easier it will be to get back to where you were before, especially with your working out and muscle tone.

    Your human, what's done is done - don't dwell on it. Refocus on your goal and how much better you feel when your clothes fit better and there is less jiggling where you don't want it. One step at a time.
  • rio66
    rio66 Posts: 49
    I fell off the wagon when I started my new job. The job I had before was a lot more physical. Plus healthy eating and exercise on top of that... So I started a job in retail and don't move around as much as I used to and my diets gone crappy (it certainly doesn't help that the company I work for likes to buy us candy! I know, excuses...) I stopped exercising because of the massive amount of hours I've been doing at work but it's just an excuse. I'm joining a gym with a friend on Tuesday (my next day off) and I'm eating a bit healthier but could make more of an effort to prepare healthy meals. Thanks everyone for your support, I can already feel a positive change coming....
  • Jimmytreatingtons
    Jimmytreatingtons Posts: 128 Member
    1 small step at a time.....log your meals

    This sums it up perfectly! Just start by logging again and go from there. You've already logged back on here that step on.

    You can do it! Keep it up!
  • FelicityEliza36
    FelicityEliza36 Posts: 252 Member
    Don't worry about what you did yesterday. Pick up where you left off. Kick azz today! Eat right. Exercise. Take it one step a time. One choice at a time. It will pay off in the end. It's so easy to make one mistake & continue that down wards spiral. But it is also easy to hop back on and not give up <3


    I know what it's like starting a new job. Instead of allowing it to change me for the worst though, it has changed me for the better. I went from running around a retail pharmacy to sitting at a desk all day & setting up fertility orders. Every morning I walk in, there's a table of Panera bread bagels and pastries, donuts, galore. I walk right by to fill up my water and I eat my chobani or my oatmeal instead. And I plan all my meals ahead of time. Now that I have a more specific schedule every day I know when I should eat and what. On the weeks that I work until 9 pm I make 4 dinners on Sunday and package them up for the week. And the week that I only work until 5 I look forward to cooking up a healthy, fresh dinner when I get home every day. :)

    You can do this girl..
  • JoanneStone
    JoanneStone Posts: 135 Member
    Don't think about as "getting back on the wagon" Think of it as a whole new start! A fresh beginning! The first step toward a healthier you! We cannot dwell on our failures or short comings, you are only human, forgive yourself and live your life to the best of your abilities! :flowerforyou:
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    Been there...too many times to count!

    The main thing is to get back on it now. Not tomorrow, not next week, not after the pastry, not after-that-big-event, but NOW!!!

    And I don't mean going like a bat out of hell and spending 6 hours in the gym on half a cup of cabbage soup - that's insane. I just mean getting used to making better choices like healthier snacks, drinking more water, walking a bit more, etc.

    Also, don't beat yourself up. The slip-up happened; cursing yourself won't change that. Just focus on a new and better future.

    Whether I can 'practice what I preach' when my own motivation drops, remains to be seen...!

    Good luck!
    What Saree said. So much. Go do something healthy right now - even if it is a 15 minute casual stroll. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.


    A recent blog post by one of my friends that you might find pertinent. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/ShannonMpls/view/eat-badly-yesterday-skip-a-workout-get-over-it-408173
  • Monicapierce
    Monicapierce Posts: 126 Member
    I have done that several times, I have about 80 lbs to lose and I started MFP last year. Well a couple weeks ago I logged on to "try it again" and then realized...if I would have stayed with it when I started it I would have met my goal by now! That totally sucks to realize, so now I'm SO deteremined! I dont want to feel that way next year! I want to be able to say WOW, I stuck with it, now Im the hottest mommy out there! ;)