Starting 30DS and BBL

I just started 30DS and BBL. I've notice alot of people didn't experiences much weight loss but more so inches with 30DS. Has anyone did the combination of both? Also I could use some tips on how can I get the weight loss I'm looking for, I'm looking to lose 20-30 pounds.


  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    I think there is a misconception that you won't lose weight with 30 most certainly can. Now, it's more of a circuit training DVD so you'll definitely lose inches but that's just as important, too! Above all else though, be sure and eat you can eat your way through any amount of exercise. However, if you work hard and give it your all, really give it your all, you will see an amazing difference.

    Keep in mind Level 1 is the easiest and it can fool you as to how difficult the DVD really is. Use the Modifier if you have to but don't give up!! I completed it in about 40 days and I saw (and felt) a huge difference.
  • CokeBottle84
    CokeBottle84 Posts: 28 Member
    That's awesome Kevin! Thanks for the tips. I'm excited to complete this. I'm on day 4 and my endurance is picking up. I'm eating clean for the most. I do eat carbs in the am and for lunch. Wish me luck!