How important is it to take a "rest"day?



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    very important.

    working out shouldnt cause so much pain you cause permanent damage.
    the pain I have is from my infusions. Not from working out.
    Sorry I didn't explain that very well.

    Then you aren't able to workout hard enough to put a load on your body so it must improve physically.

    You might as well just walk every day. now, if that's what you are doing, great and easy fat burning workout - great.

    You are having changes cardiovascularly of course, but even there, not as great as could be had if the body had a chance to recover. And that will stop eventually.

    Don't worry though, if you don't give it rest, it'll usually find a means of making you give it a rest. From being sick more often because your immune system is shot, to getting injured for a couple weeks.

    And all these negative effects are made worse by eating at deficit, which is another stress on the body, beyond exercise.

    So it's really up to you, do you want your time and effort and energy to get the most return for what you put into it (most folks being limited on time), or reach a work plateau where you really aren't getting much benefit from what you put into it?
  • ValentineMomma
    ValentineMomma Posts: 51 Member
    So this begs the question....if you work out without resting, will you be able to keep it up to maintain the new body, you'll create? I imagine that inadequate rest may cause injury to your body. So even if you may be able to pull it off for a while, out may start to take a toll on your body. Good luck.