vinyasa calorie burn?

i do yoga often and i feel like the calculator tool on mfp severely underestimates the burn during vinyasa classes. i know i can't have only burned 150ish calories for the hour!

does anyone know if this is accurate/have suggestions on where to find or know more accurate stats?


  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    Vinyasa yoga and all forms of power yoga burn a lot of calories and are very aerobic as well as muscle building. I'm not sure where you can get the calorie burn but I'm sure if you search online, you'll find it. Then simply add your own exercise. MFP doesn't have all exercises and none are based on your unique weight. So, it's best if you look it up. I'm sure it's available somewhere.
  • moopity
    moopity Posts: 54 Member
    how about purchasing a heart rate monitor so you have an exact burn?

    i'm 5'5' and in 30 minutes, i burn about 200 calories. but it depends on the level of intensity.

    also, the intensity of the class usually slows during the last half or third of the class, so it's too hard to guess.

    you also need to take into account if the room is heated. if it is, you will burn more calories because your heart rate will go higher in a heated room.
  • artickb22
    artickb22 Posts: 411 Member
    I would use a HRM...and check it anytime the frequency increases or decreases..unless you have the chest strap kind. I have just the wrist watch so I check mine frequently during a workout.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member

    This site puts it at 732 per hour for someone of my weight 186

    Not sure how accurate this site is though.
  • taqefu
    taqefu Posts: 13 Member
    I did the P90x yoga video today (90 mins). My HRM says I burned 210 kcals in that time, so that would approx. match MFPs numbers. It sure felt like I burned more, but then again your heart rate doesnt go up very high during yoga, even when youre doing difficult poses. I guess, those low numbers might be quite correct.
  • 2BhappyBhealthy
    2BhappyBhealthy Posts: 181 Member
    I use this tool:

    It's a calculator based on your weight and the workout. They also have running, walking, swimming etc.. I think it's pretty accurate from what I have found in research. I just usually adjust the calories a little based on how hard the work out is - not all classes are created equally :)

    Hope it helps!