


  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Haters to the left. I get just as much protien on meat free days. Sometimes more.

    OP- I'm not full veg, but I'm doing it for health reasons and quality concerns.
  • Damiilla
    Damiilla Posts: 66
    I think a majority of people, like me, become vegetarian for ethical reasons foremost. I only became a clean eating vegetarian until recently and it admittedly took me a while to get to where I am. However, I'm happier now than I ever have been as a meat eater, and I've never had any deficiency issues. Not to mention I'm spending way less money!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    this is a ridiculous thread. no offense, honest. I just don't see why it matters what others' opinions on this are. if you want to eat meat or don't want to then both lifestyle can be healthy. both can also be unhealthy. It's completely a personal choice.

    yours is a pointless response. in the spirit of your 'contribution', the same could also apply to what exercises to do,advice for starting runnin,how to lift weights, what macros to adjust, how many calories to eat, where to source protein,good recipe for smoothes etc.

    yes and no. I mean, to ask about vegetarianism on a weight loss site it seems the impetus is to be "healthier" or lose weight. Vegetarianism is not required--I assume if the OP didn't like meat or had ethical reasons he/she simply wouldn't eat meat. That is logically not the situation so to ask others what they're doing and whether/not it's a good idea seems silly. If you like meat, eat it. Period.

    I'd say the SAME thing if this was a post about running...running isn't the only form of cardio and you can do other workouts to get in shape/build your dream physique. So do what you like. That's the bottom line.

    Eat what you like, do what you like. These things lead to LONG TERM success.
  • elv1ra
    elv1ra Posts: 146 Member
    I dont know how accurate the protein deficiency argument is. Theres a girl on youtube called freelea(or something similar) that is a personal trainer and she eats a 95% fruits diet. but she eats like thousands of calories of fruit a day. like a case of oranges for one meal. shes in incredible shape.

    I recently went vegetarian for ethical reasons. its not hard to get protein if youre eating faux meats. one jumbo veggie dog has 15 grams of protein 1 gram of fat and 90 calories. faux meats can be expensive but pairing them with fresh veggies and quality grains probably helps even out the cost. and theyre very quick to cook from frozen so when you`re feeling lazy theyre just as convenient as junk food.
  • doubglass
    doubglass Posts: 314 Member
    If you are athletic and burn a lot of calories it is difficult to get enough protein without a lot of planning. Much easier to just get the right portions of lean meat and fish and eat plenty of fruits, whole grains and veggies.

    I'm currently hitting @ 3000 calories a lot of days. I wouldn't be able to get that many calories and enough protein on a vegetarian diet. Life is a lot simpler including small portions of lowfat meat, poultry and fish in your diet.

    As a vegetarian, I'd beg to differ. It's easy enough to get enough protein, if you think through your food just a little. I rarely preplan my days that carefully, but I do ensure I have at least one serving of protein with every meal (pulses, nuts, cheese, eggs, quorn, tofu, yoghurt, milk.... ) and at least one protein based snack (cottage cheese, nuts, greek yoghurt), and I rarely struggle to get sufficient protein in.
    Well, eliminating much of the protein dense, low calorie foods can't make it any easier. Some of us don't find fake meat palatable nor do we live in areas where it is easy to find. The fact of the matter is: it is easier to manage a healthy diet if you use low fat meats, fish and poultry carefully. I'll pass on the soy burgers.
  • mirandamayhem
    The fact of the matter is: it is easier to manage a healthy diet if you use low fat meats, fish and poultry carefully. I'll pass on the soy burgers.

    It is easier for you, and that is fine. But it is not everyone's experience. Beans are a great source of protein, as is tempeh, and of course there's quinoa. The constant scaremongering from people who want to keep eating meat and so spread the belief that you won't get enough protein from a meat free diet is very sad.
  • cjc166
    cjc166 Posts: 222
    I saw "Forks, Over, Knives" and "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead".
    Eating a vegan or near vegan diet prevents most chronic diseases, and lowers your cancer risk significantly.
    I recommend reading "Eat to Live" by Dr Fuhrman to find out one of the proper and healthy ways to go vegan or vegetarian.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I dont know how accurate the protein deficiency argument is. Theres a girl on youtube called freelea(or something similar) that is a personal trainer and she eats a 95% fruits diet. but she eats like thousands of calories of fruit a day. like a case of oranges for one meal. shes in incredible shape.

    I recently went vegetarian for ethical reasons. its not hard to get protein if youre eating faux meats. one jumbo veggie dog has 15 grams of protein 1 gram of fat and 90 calories. faux meats can be expensive but pairing them with fresh veggies and quality grains probably helps even out the cost. and theyre very quick to cook from frozen so when you`re feeling lazy theyre just as convenient as junk food.

    She's the one with the douche bag boyfriend - Durianrider. They have a website called 30 bananas a day!
  • cjc166
    cjc166 Posts: 222
    All whole plant foods have protein. The more calories you eat, the more protein you'll get. So, if you exercise more, naturally you'll need to eat more, and you're protein intake will go up accordingly. I eat all plants and hit my protein requirements each day. No problem.

    However, if you're a junk food vegetarian, that eat a lot of processed food, then yeah, you'll have a problem getting protein.

    Most people are misinformed about protein, I used to be.