Easy prep for many quick dishes

I got this neat collection online :)

Chop up 1 red or green pepper, 1 tomato, a few mushrooms, and 1/2 (I use a whole!)a red onion. Put in a bowl and cover. This is your starting mix that will go towards making 3 days worth of recipes.

Some things you can make with the mix:

*Greek salad- add some feta cheese and some greek dressing, add some lettuce to give it more bulk.

*Omelette- Add some of your mix to a few eggs/egg whites. Cook in a pan with some olive oil, add a bit of cheese or some sort of meat if you like.

*Baked fish (or chicken I suppose) -Take some fish (or chicken) and put it in a baking dish or pan. Drizzle a bit of olive oil and add a handful of your mix ontop. Bake in the oven.

*Pasta: Add your mix to tomato sauce or alfredo sauce, and toss with your favourite pasta.

*Rice/couscous/quinoa- Cook some of your mix in the microwave for a bit, then add some rice/couscous/quinoa cooked in vegetable (or chicken) broth.

*Stir fry- Fry up your mix with some meat or tofu. Add some soya sauce and put over brown rice.

*Wraps- Wrap up some of your mix in a pita or tortilla with some shredded cheese and optional meat.

Hope this helps others, I made some mix today and I'll use it in egg whites for breakfast. Maybe tonight I'll make a salad wrap!


  • cmurphy04722
    Three more ideas:

    With this mix, you could also add some jalapenos, garlic and lime juice=salsa

    Saute the mix and use it as a burger/veggie burger topping

    Quesadilla. Heat a wheat tortilla in a pan (olive oil spray perhaps, but shouldn't be necessary), put a layer of refried beans or black beans in, add some optional cheese, put some of the mix on top, and add another tortilla (or fold it over).
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    These are great ideas! I always keep cut up green peppers, onions and tomatoes in my fridge - I'm much more likely to use them if they're ready to go. I have designated containers for each - I like to keep them separate - especially the onions. I put onions (I LOVE red) in just about everything!

    Thanks for the tips!
  • Taradise
    Taradise Posts: 302 Member
    Love this idea! Thank you!