A male friend is eating 600 cals a day.



  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Whoa slow down kids.

    Instead of jumping on the guy.(through the x-girlfriend.) Take a step back.

    The man can actually do 00 calories for a period of time with no long lasting adverse effects. There are tons of fasting programs for cleansing the body that have even fewer calories than that up to 30 days.

    What I would say to this young man is that he can sustain this diet for several weeks in order to jump start and cleanse. After that I would suggest upping activity and calories. Create the deficit through exercise.

    He is in no immediate danger, and as long as he does not go long term he will be fine.

    That would be my position. I'd also try to encourage him to see a doctor, but his ex says he stubborn. It's not hard to imagine that a 300-pound person would feel the need to do something drastic. As long as he shifts to a more sustainable diet once he gets to his intended point and is eating reasonably healthy food now there should be no harm. There was a case of a man who weighed 400 pounds and drank nothing but water for a year (he was superivised by a doctor) and he got down to a much healthier weight, which he was able to sustain.

    I would not point him in the direction of this website; I would direct him to knowledgeable professionals who can analyze his specific needs.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    If he were a girl and wasn't already very overweight, I bet people wouldn't be telling you to "stay out of it." If he's been only eating that much for quite a while now, he could feasibly drop dead any second from heart problems, liver problems and more. It's anorexia if he's been doing this for a prolonged time, whether people believe someone who weighs 300 pounds could be anorexic. And anorexia is a disease that no one gets help for without help from others. I'm not exactly sure what you can do yet since he's an adult, but I don't think your concern is unwarranted or you being a busybody. And it's sad to me that people think so.

    I don't think she's a busybody for being concerned, but you sure are making a lot of assumptions about someone you have never met. Could it be that he's exceptionally determined? Why does he automatically have to have an ED?

    In addition, who knows what amount of calories he's actually consuming? Do all people tell the complete truth to their exes?