Side stitch or pulled muscle


I've been reading the forums for a while, but this is my first post here. Was hoping someone had an answer to a question that I have.

I'm a fairly new runner - I started a beginner's running program about 7 weeks ago, and last week the schedule was run for 12 minutes, walk for 1 minute, repeat three times. Everything seemed to be going well, but last week, while I was running, I got a side stitch in the right side. Figured it was either from not controlling my breathing properly, or not being properly hydrated (although I drink an awful lot of water through the day, and make sure that I have a drink before I start the run). Anyway, I focused on my breathing on the next run (tried doing deep breathing, instead of chest breathing), and it seemed to be okay.

But I went on another run yesterday. I normally walk for about 10 minutes to warm up (at a brisk pace), and my right side was hurting on the walk, so I slowed down my walk. During the run, my right side was constantly hurting, but I finished the run. Today, was shopping with my sister, and just walking at a slow pace, and my right side was still hurting.

Sorry for the long back story, but here's the question. I've been assuming that it was a side stitch, but my sister said that it could possibly be a pulled muscle as the pain has been on and off for about a week, and coming while I walk instead of only when I run. How can you tell the difference between a side stitch and a pulled muscle? Is it normal for a side stitch to last for more than a week?