I'm not really losing weight, how's my diary??

Hi guys, would appreciate your opinions on my food diary...
I don't really seem to be losing any weight... but I am regularly tracking and eating well, I'm also exercising a good amount in the past week.
Thoughts? Tips? Advice?


  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    Your diet is not very good, I'm sorry to say. You need to eat more veggies and fruits, less fat, less processed food. If you tracked your sodium, I'm thinking you're probably 2-3 times what is recommended. That can slow your weight loss. Look at my diary if you want to see what a more balanced diary should look like. I've been sick this weekend, so you'll need to go back to Friday and earlier.
  • nixism
    nixism Posts: 258 Member
    The weekend wasn't fantastic I know - but the week days are excellent I thought - I have heaps of veges intake every day (except the last couple of days)... any other thoughts???
  • SandysNewLife
    SandysNewLife Posts: 87 Member
    Id change your goals to up protein and lower carbs too.
  • nixism
    nixism Posts: 258 Member
    I'm not sure how to do that??
  • RancidPolecat2
    I noticed a pattern of having a very light breakfast and a heavy dinner. Of course, I don't know when your snacks are. You may want to try to balance your foods throughout the day.
  • acmilan11
    acmilan11 Posts: 36 Member
    Maybe it's too much protien? Eat some fruit. Years ago I was doing Atkins and was eating too much protien and felt heavy and bloated, so I added some fruit to "help out". Don't despair and don't give up.
  • nixism
    nixism Posts: 258 Member
    In the week days I am not that hungry for breakfast due to my schedule, so I am trying with either a mulseli bar / fruit or yog, or a slice or two of toast... but you are probably correct, dinner is my main meal. I usually opt for something light for lunch also, such as a salad, or a bun with veges/protein.
  • nixism
    nixism Posts: 258 Member
    My snacks are spread through the day, ie today at morning tea time I had 2 toast/ half avo.. which is like a breakfast really.
  • girlnamedlee
    girlnamedlee Posts: 96 Member
    Make sure you're actually weighing & measuring your portions. When I bought my digital scale is when I discovered there is a very real difference between what I thought a serving of chicken was & reality. Good luck!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Personally, I would spread my food out more, every couple hours, that way you don't really get HUNGRY and want to eat more, or want to eat too many carbs or food that's not the best for you.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    Rancid Polecat?!! Who you be? hmmm..
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    avocados have fat, i see lots of starch and bread. wine wont kill ya. id say add fruit to breakfast, and maybe eat less at night. good luck sweets
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I think I would spread out my foods instead of 2 huge meals a day but that's just me. Also, I agreed with the gal that said you need more nutrition, protein, complex carbs, good fats, and watch sodium and processed sugars.

    I also notices you were way under your goal more than not. If you take a look at my diary you might get some good ideas you can use. You are sure welcome to. I am just learning too though and many might say my diet needs work, which it still does I am sure:) Denise
  • mrsains
    mrsains Posts: 104 Member
    I'm not sure how to do that??

    To change your macronutrient goals, on the 'Home' page go to 'Goals', then click on 'Change Goals.' Click on 'Custom' and 'Continue'.

    This will bring you to a page where you can alter your daily goals. As the other posted suggested, I would agree that perhaps reducing your carb intake and increasing your protein intake may help. I have my carbs set at 40%, protein 30%, fat 30%, and would like to even work towards 30% carbs. Remember to eat complex carbs and healthy fats. Also try to limit sodium as it can cause water retention.

    I think you're doing well, slowly but surely you'll find what works for you!

    Edited to add: You can also change what is being tracked on your daily spreadsheet. On 'Home' go to 'Settings'. There you can things like sodium, saturated fat, sugar, etc. to keep track of on top of carbs, protein, and fat.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Ohhhhhhhhhh ditto on this!! I love my food-scale, it saved my whole program, as well as keeping my measuring cups and spoons right on my counter!!
    Make sure you're actually weighing & measuring your portions. When I bought my digital scale is when I discovered there is a very real difference between what I thought a serving of chicken was & reality. Good luck!
  • 4skylarandmia
    I eat my biggest meal at lunch and at night I eat a light dinner or snack.
  • kinsellae
    kinsellae Posts: 167 Member
    Try sticking to a certain amount of calories. Your diary seems a bit inconsistent. Search the forums for more info on finding your BMR and TDEE and eat somewhere between those numbers. Best of luck to you :)
  • nixism
    nixism Posts: 258 Member
    Ok those are all good points to note - thank you all for your support.
    I will look to change my ratios on my settings and try from there.
    I have been trying to knock the bread/carbs on the head, but over the weekend we seem to eat big breakfasts or are on the go with running here there and everywhere - so a sandwich or similar is easy.
    I'm a work in progress. I'm only starting with a small goal of 5kgs, so I hope I can achieve this.
  • AlisonKTrader
    AlisonKTrader Posts: 56 Member
    I know it can be hard to stay on a diet. Sometimes life can take over, i.e. going out or dinner parties ect. But looking at your diary there a few things that jump out to me. I'd say try one piece of toast with peanut butter for some protein. yes it has fat too but I find it to be a better choice than your bacon choice, and you do need some fat in a healthy diet. If you make a sandwich try it open faced with only one slice of bread. I found limiting my carbs helped a lot as well as when i was hungry to try drinking a glass of water. At times your body mistakes hunger pangs for thirst. I also found that when I cut my drinking to one night a week and limiting my sugar intake really helped. Just my thoughts. Im not an expert. Just things I've tried and succeeded with. I'm doing the nutrition diet that came with my Insanity program and it so far has been awesome. You can look at my diary to have some meal ideas. oh but I will disclose that I went on vacation this last week so I didn't really check in and keep up my diary. previous weeks are much better.
  • nixism
    nixism Posts: 258 Member
    I have changed my goals to 30% carb / 40% protein / 30% fats.
    I wasn't sure what to set sodium or sugar too - so I just left it.
    I have also changed my diary to add snacks - morning / afternoon / night...
    I will keep tracking and trying - cause I am feeling better in myself having done this.
    And yes, over the weekend - we ate lots of bacon - but it was only the eye bacon - without fat :)