Hiya - anyone wanna a diet mate??

Hi there. I am from Devon, in the UK. I downloaded the app onto my tablet (which is still a brave new world for me) and I have been really impressed with how easy this all SEEMS to be. However, I would love to chat to others who are starting a long journey - mine will take me from about 23.10 stone (323 pounds) down to, I hope eventually about 15 stone (210 pounds). I have not been that weight since I was 11yrs. I am 30yrs. So you can see that I am a little scared about how I will achieve this. So far, I have used the program for three days and have stuck to it. This might not seem llike much but I have not managed to do even that for a long time! I would love to meet others who are starting or are on a similar path! X :embarassed: