Countdown to New Year's - Week of 11/16/09

Good morning!

I kept weighing myself throughout the week and was never pleased with the yo-yo effect...but I weighed myself this morning: 168.5. That's one pound down from my last check-in on MFP!

Whoo! For those that missed my posts over the weekend, I struggled quite a bit with football game drinks and food, and hit the gym extra hard to get my body back on track. I woke up late today and didn't get to the gym, but I'll be hitting it right after work tonight.

How did everyone else do?

Current weight: 168.5
Goal weight for 12/31: 155ish


  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Oh, I did'nt know if there was a new thread. So no change for me. Still at 137. I did go down to 135 this weekend but when I weight myself this morning it said 137. Well, hopefully there will be a loss next week.

  • cmurphy04722
    I posted in the other thread to let everyone know. We had mentioned starting a new one each week so here it is :)
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    I weigh the same! :noway:
    It's actually a relief because I had a "faux-thanksgiving" on sunday and I was pretty sure I gained 16 pounds just being in close range of all that delicious food! I loaded up on all the vegetables, avoided the bread basket and didn't eat any dessert.

    I'm going to try to be very dilligent this week! I want to see some results next weigh in!

    Starting MFP Weight: 182
    Current Weight: 173
    Goal Weight (by 1/1/2010): 163
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 150

    Good luck with your goals this week ladies (and gents?)!
  • cmurphy04722
    Oh no...I have a faux-Thanksgiving tomorrow night to try out new recipes. I'm making small batches though and nothing tooooo unhealthy. Pumpernickel and mushroom stuffing (serving about 200 cal), roasted cauliflower with lots of garlic (serving about 60 calories), and pumpkin "brownie" (serving about 150 calories). I'll try to keep it reasonable, glad you did well with yours!
  • passionhi
    Good morning everyone!! My start weight last week was 159, now it is 158; so I dropped a lb. Yea Me!!!!! :happy:
  • Advengirl
    Advengirl Posts: 88 Member
    Uuuugh...I'm the same this morning!
    Weekends always kill me. I can be completely dedicated and strict during the week...losing at least 1.5lbs...and then, I blow it on the weekends. I'm typically away from my computer and my schedule gets entirely off...and I blow it. Big time.

    I take 2 steps forward, and 1 step back. :(

  • cmurphy04722
    I feel the weekend pain Advengirl, it gets rough when you're not on your usual schedule.

    Try logging foods for the whole day in the morning perhaps, if you know what you'll be doing in general and can plan ahead.

    Otherwise, bring a small notebook (or use your phone) if you go out to eat or to a friend's place. You can write down what you ate and how much. Knowing that you have to write it down may just be the motivation you need to pass on a second helping or help you choose something more healthy.
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    I do the same thing on Sundays, Advengirl! All my motivation and disipline go out the window. I think it's okay to give yourself a little splurge from time to time when you're dieting. You'll never feel deprived! Just don't make it a habit. :smokin:

    Don't be so hard on yourself!

    Maybe you could set up a weekend schedule to follow? That way, you still get your rest and stay on track with your diet. Just an idea...

    Good luck!
  • Advengirl
    Advengirl Posts: 88 Member
    Amelia & Cmurphy...thank you :)
    And you're right! It's okay to splurge every once in awhile as long as it doesn't become a habit...and making sure I'm holding myself accountable (getting another means of journaling when I don't have net access) is so important.


    Looks like my 'sleeping in' on the weekends just throws me off entirely. My hunny won't like it much, but I'm going to try to get up at 7 on the weekends now to workout and cook a healthy breakfast etc. I get so out of wack when I sleep's not really worth it in the long run.
    (ie: extra hour of sleep when I already have gotten 7hrs and risk not working out/being good....or forgoing the extra pointless sleep and doing something worthwhile on my weekend mornings. It's not so much of a choice when I look at it that way ;)
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    Sorry I forgot to weigh in yesterday! But i did today and lost 6lbs!! I know its the first week and I highly doubt it'll stick, but aunt flo is also in town so only god knows.

    So I've gone from 190lbs to 184lbs!!

    Have a good week everyone!
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Sorry I forgot to weigh in yesterday! But i did today and lost 6lbs!!

    THAT'S GREAT! Congrats, that's a HUGE accomplishment! :bigsmile:

    Keep up the good work!
  • cmurphy04722
    Was the 6 pounds in 1 week? Maybe some of it is water weight...not trying to bust you down, that's awesome haha just thinking that 6 pounds in one week isn't terribly healthy. But first weeek probably just getting your body in gear! Congrats chica, it always feel good to be good to yourself
  • mar109
    mar109 Posts: 101 Member
    haha dont worry i know, i'm sure its just cause its the first week. No biggie
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Where is everyone? I have'nt seen any activity here in 2 days. Well, I have some good news. I am down to 135 again, so this is the smallest I have been for a long time, just 10 more pounds to go.

  • passionhi

  • Advengirl
    Advengirl Posts: 88 Member
    Where is everyone? I have'nt seen any activity here in 2 days. Well, I have some good news. I am down to 135 again, so this is the smallest I have been for a long time, just 10 more pounds to go.


    Congrats, Tanya!!!
    That's awesome! :D

    Well...I lost a lb this past week. But considering I had gained it back the week prior...I'm right where I was 2wks ago. hehehe
    Ah well- a pound lost is a pound lost! And I hope to never see that one again ;)
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    I did'nt see week of 11/23, I guess we are still in this week. From last monday, I lost a pound. We had a Thanksgiving party at work and I just had breakfast there, a quiche. I never realized how many calories they were, sooo much. Now, I only have 50 calories for dinner and I am sooo hungry. It stinks:grumble:

    Oh, thanks Advengirl! Since my last post I gained a pound. Oh well, I am still down from last week though. Yeah, its a struggle. There was one time that my weight was the same for about a month. The weight tends to fluctaute at times.
