New to the group

Hi. I am new to the group thanks to my sister in laws who use this site. I am 31, stay at home mom. My final goal of weight loss is 110 to 120 pounds. I know it will be a long hard road but I want to lose weight and keep it off for good. I want to learn how to eat normal food in moderate amounts. I want to be able to be a good role model for my children. I am hoping that using this site to keep me accountable will help keep me on track. I am looking forward to beginning my journey.


  • cherio256
    cherio256 Posts: 219
    Hi. I am also new to the group and a stay at home mom. I think being at home all day can make you gain weight. Easy access to the kitchen at all times. I need to lose around 45 pounds and am starting tomorrow. First thing I'm going to do is drink nothing but water (usually 1 tea a day). You never realize how many calories you consume a day in drinks alone! I feel this is a good starting point. Also walking around 30 minutes a day.
    You can lose the weight. I am here for support :)
  • jalarson99
    jalarson99 Posts: 1 Member
    Looking forward to getting going on this journey. 12 years of being grossly overweight is enough! Let's rock it! :)