Creeper at the gym!



  • Superbritt2drescu
    Superbritt2drescu Posts: 273 Member
    I would've tried the staring back at him for awhile. If that didn't work than this-
    Seriously... find the biggest guy you can see, and tell him exactly what you told us... i guarantee you that any person who takes the gym seriously will have an issue with this man.
    Do it...
  • paine016
    paine016 Posts: 77 Member
    Show us the proof that you have this "butt" that makes guys want to stop working out lol.

    edit: I'm a sexy mom specialist.
    Edited by cessna784 on Tue 08/21/12 12:00 PM

    So after the OP complains about a deeply guy you felt the need to come in and be creepy?

  • Same thing happened to me a couple weeks back!
    I was mad!. I was rocking the elliptical too, I looked around & he was doing the same thing.. not working out, just creeping.
    Once I was done he left at the same time trying to talk to me. Told me he saw me going to the gym & followed me.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    This is why I like to run outside instead of at a gym. Too many egomaniacs trying to pick up chicks.
  • Planet Fitness judgement free! LOL
  • roduk
    roduk Posts: 43 Member
    feckers like that give guys a bad name especially when it comes to the gym, report them.
  • sgoessling
    sgoessling Posts: 119
    We feeding the trolls now?

    In all seriousness that is just beyond creeper status.. I never go to the gym without my bf just bc we always have gone together, but I remember I had gone with my gf bc my bf was at work and OMG the stares! We were in the weight room (which already feels like walking into the men's restroom as it is) and I just couldn't do a proper squat with out feel like guys where staring at my *kitten* or down my shirt. Never again.. Thankfully the cardio room is set up to where you can workout without anyone behind you