motivate me to exercise!



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
  • tinahatcher1
    I can tell you that at 50 I just decided not exercising has not helped me accomplish my weight loss goals, and I am getting flabbier every year. 4 weeks a go a friend invited me to a bootcamp. I have known people who do bootcamps,they are extreme fitness people. or so I thought. I found one that is in my neighborhood, affordable, and is offered in morning MWF, and Evening MTTHF, there is a social run on Wed nights. It is not as expensive as I thought ,and no one yells that I am not good enough or trying enough. I am over 100 pounds over weight, The coaches are good about modifying exercises so that I keep moving, and I am getting stronger, and leaner. I have not lost a lot of weight, but I feel better, my clothes fit better, and I am motivated to keep going.
    I am not a morning person, but my day starts of energetic if I exercise. I don't love exercising yet, I may never LOVE it. But I will tell you that although eating is a great way to change what you put in your body and lose weight, exercise is the way to sculpt your body and gain strength. is a big motivator!......the more you exercise and burn calories the more calories you can eat that day:) If I dont exercise I get 1300 calories a day, if I do exercise 1500 or more! I don't know about you, but I have never liked exercising alone. Find a group, or friend to be accountable to. It makes it more fun, and the time goes faster! but ultimately you do have to do it for you..walking or riding a bike, or doing a fitness video is better than nothing...

    good luck to you! I hope this helped motivate you.
  • sc0ttie
    sc0ttie Posts: 29
    You can only help those that are willing to help themselves. If you're not willing to help your self then there is nothing anyone else is going to say to change that.....
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Grab a heart rate monitor, put some of this on and do some housework. Trust me with this song blasting you cant help but move. I got 250 cals done in 47 mins through this song..... and that was folding the washing & doing the dishes mostly lol.

    ...blast your speakers with WHATEVER kind of music that gets you feeling happy and wanting to dance! Pop a exercise video in, or go for a walk with the headphones! Either way you will feel great for doing it and happy cause `You love that song!!`


    Some music just gets you moving even when you don't think you have it in you. Moves like Jagger & the Daler one does it for me. Even just dancing around the house while doing housework is better than nothing. :)
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Thin people exercise.

    Fat people sit on the couch and watch TV.

    Its not an activity, its a lifestyle.

    Wrong. I would exercise my *kitten* off , not watch any TV & was still fat. Now I can sit all day do nothing & am nowhere near the size I was. Thin ppl dont exercise..... check out my son. almost 6 foot & skinny like a rake... wont move from his room, wont come for a walk with me. Where is your point now?
  • Kierda
    Kierda Posts: 14 Member
    Either you do it, or you don't.

    Do you brush your teeth every day? Do you wipe your butt after using the bathroom? Do you put on clothes when you will be seen in public?

    Exercise because its what you do. You know you should. You know that it doesn't ultimately take *that* much time or effort to do *something* active. So just get it over with.

    ^^^ What I tell myself every day now. :smile:
  • eric5150ii
    eric5150ii Posts: 53 Member
    Remember, a person's bottom is semi-liquid, and without exercise it will spread and expand to fill the area you use to sit.
  • ASDavis72
    ASDavis72 Posts: 77 Member
    Truthfully you have to motivate yourself first, we can’t do it for you; it’s sort of like you can’t help a person who won’t help themselves. Don’t let being skinny be your main focus, instead think about being healthy and all your family and friends you’ll inspire to get healthy as well. I hope you find the motivation you need.
  • tastywhalebacon
    sooo many good reasons. I have been eating healthier and just by doing that, I've lost 23 lbs this year. Now i guess it's time to tone everything up, so I'm walking around with a bunch of loose skin. gross.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    My biggest motivation is feeling better mentally. The diet isn't a big enough reason for me to go run, but the runner's high sure is!
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    I also have trouble exercising and it can be hard to motivate myself. I don't know that anyone here can motivate you to exercise, but these are some of the things that motivate me:

    -Making rewards for myself based on exercise. If I work out 3 times a week (or whatever my goal is) for a month, I will buy myself a new top (or whatever!)
    -Wearing fun and comfy workout clothes
    -Making a list of reasons to exercise
    -Not letting myself do something I want to do (watch tv, play a computer game, whatever) until I exercise

    Honestly, sometimes just getting dressed in my workout clothes and telling myself I'm just going to sit around the living room or whatever is enough. I'm dressed so I might as well walk, or get on the exercise equipment, or something!
  • MishelleMyBell
    I totally know how you feel. In the beginning it took a little more than a push to get me started on working out. For myself, I realized that watching "before and after" videos on Youtube helped in that situation. I would watch it for an hour or so a day and then one day I thought, "If these people can do it, I can too!" Plus, just walking around the neighborhood or on the treadmill for 15-20 minutes day helps. As each day goes by, you'll add more time and start to feel better about the achieved activity. As you start to workout out more it'll become routine and your body will get so used to it that it'll eventually turn into a daily "craving."

    Good luck! :)