Whats a good excersise video that's giving you results?

Hi everyone! Well so far eating right, drinking lots of water a day, along with going on 4am jogs, 25 min on the bike, and 10 minute crunches everyday I've lost 3lbs in 4 days. I don't notice anything but scale tells all I suppose. I want to add another 30-90 minutes to my routine, anyone know a good excercise video that's giving you results? I tried insanity and the first couple days I did it, I'd feel faint. I couldn't handle it just yet, I'm too out of shape! Stomach and back are one of my biggest in insecurities. Feel free to share results! Thank you!
SW: 207
Goal Weight:125


  • Kenzieb07
    Kenzieb07 Posts: 207 Member
    I've been doing Turbo Fire and ChaLEAN Extreme -- both fun videos that have really worked for me!!! Probably not as intense as Insanity :)
  • RachelRemkes
    RachelRemkes Posts: 12 Member
    Turbo Jam and Turbo Sculpt, love that I can do them in my lounge! These workouts and a treadmill in my lounge have helped me shift 10+kgs