Learning to take care of my body

This I guess is my introduction, also kind of a little back story on who I am and how I got to where I am. As of last wednesday I weighed 205.2.. My goal weight is 145-150ish.. To be honest I don't eat like I should eat at all. I should be consuming about 1200/1400 calories a day and some days I do reach that goal. But most day's I eat around 700-800 calories a day. Back in february I (along with my two son's) left a physically/emotionally abusive relationship after 11 long year's. Since then I stopped taking care of myself. When I am depressed I don't eat. With the stress of it all there were day's I would not eat one thing. I lived on coffee, and was not even drinking water. Between february and april I lost about 35pound's. I still struggle. There Are day's where I eat fairly well and day's where I know I didn't eat nearly enough. My last weigh in I had not gained nor lost. My weight loss coach said it was because my body is set in starvation mode. I never feel hungry. I never feel thirsty. I know that I need to change this behavior and get on the right track before it get's worse. I'm hoping being on here I can get the support I need. Anyone who add's me feel free to look at my daily diary's. if you go back on the day's you will see them blank, because I didn't fill it in, either because I was having a bad day, or because i wasn't eating. I want to hold myself accountable from now on. Even if I have a bad day and don't reach my calorie goal, I will enter everything in.. So, while I do need to lose weight, from here on out I have to do it the healthy way.. :)