Exercise routines for a sore knee and calf

I experience knee soreness and inflammation around my knees when I do excercise regularly, any ideas on some excercise I can do that wont strain my knees but still burn lots of calories? Ive been running and my knees and calves are starting to ache and Im finding it hard to stay motivated to excercise because of it. Help!!


  • Lynxie83
    Lynxie83 Posts: 246
    Boxing! It is high cardio, but you can limit the leg movements.

    Also, maybe if you can afford it, see if there's a personal trainer at a local gym you could talk to about things to do to assist with the knee soreness.

    I have had bad knees since childhood and I've been working with my trainer to build the muscles and joints around my knees to that I no longer get knee pain. Squats are good (with good form) at improving knee strength.

    Feel free to FR me if you'd like to check out my exercise diary. :bigsmile:
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    Could you do something low-impact, like ride a stationary bike or run on an elliptical? Those will take pressure off your knees but still engage the large muscles in your legs for higher calorie burn.

    Swimming would be another option if you have access to a pool.