sodium levels?? help

nixism Posts: 258 Member
hi all. what is the recommended sodium level per day... I have just blown the auto default of 2500mg outta the water by 800mg!! that freaked me out. can u offer any advice?? feel free to ccheck my diary. many thanks.


  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    Bread and processed meat are the biggest culprits. Don't buy deli meats, cook yourself. You can do a big joint (if you add seasoning make sure it is salt free), slice and freeze. Ham/gammon are always going to be high in salt, as is bacon as they are cured with it. Soaking a gammon or ham joint before you cook it then disposing of the water will help.

    Bread is another that contains quite a lot of salt as although you need some manufacturers add a lot more. Replace bread for lunch with a jacket potato or something else less processed (processed potato products will also be high in salt).

    It doesn't mean you have to avoid these things completely but limit them to one or 2 servings a day.

    Pretty much anything processed is high in salt - one of the worst ones I find is tinned soup, also even low salt stock is still pretty high. Passata (also called creamed tomatoes or sometimes seived tomatoes) was also one I realised recently can be really high in salt
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    cooking everything from fresh is the only way I seem to be able to really keep it down. 2500 is more than enough. Even at 2500 it cod effect weigh ins x
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    Hi, I have just taken a peek at your diary and the Tesco ham off the bone looks incredibly high. Did a quick ckeck on my diary and it kicks in at 10 mg per 50 g of meat. Doesnt look right. Maybe you should check.
  • nixism
    nixism Posts: 258 Member
    Thanks Trixie - I will check that, it gave me a heck of a fright seeing that, and it was only one slice for lunch!!
    I will double check that... thank you.

    Thanks all for your comments. :)