Slowing down my eating speed?

I have always been a fast eater ever since being a kid. I would either rus to get back out and play, or rush to get seconds.

Now I am grown up I still hoover up my food, not giving myself time to realise I am full. Ideal for a eating competition, but rubbish for losing weight.

Does anyone have any tips to slow down my eating pace? I have found eating foods that take some chewing (turkey for example) help but trying to count my chews is sending me round the bend


  • StrawberrySprinkles
    I'm wondering if people who eat too fast actually taste the flavor of the food? My hub is a fast eater too. I often wonder if he even tastes it.

    I guess you could just slow down by trying to identify all the flavors in the food? :D Appreciate it for it's finer points? :D
  • teally13
    teally13 Posts: 30
    I heard the tip that you should put down your cutlery (or if using your fingers put down the food) between bites and don't pick it up until you have swallowed the food you are eating.
  • justiningham
    justiningham Posts: 139 Member
    There are a few methods, Here are a couple;
    1. Counting your chews
    2. Putting your knife and fork down and not preparing your next mouthful until you have finished your last
    3. Putting less food in your mouth
    4. Making sure you sit at a table and try to slow down

    Hope these help - I know there are more and maybe someone else can add to them.
  • boboette1
    I try to put my utencil I am eating with down in-between bites. I also eat fast and drink fast.. It's a hard habit to break. It take 20 min for your stomach to signal you are full. I chew longer and try to totally enjoy what I am eating. Keep working at it, we will never be perfect at this but we can sure give it a good try. Good luck, keep on trucking!!! haha
  • hougt
    hougt Posts: 1,088
    I'm wondering if people who eat too fast actually taste the flavor of the food?

    Surprisingly yes, I am big on taste so love my food :)

    Cheers for the tips so far, it is so hard to slow down but I will manage it
  • LoyalAngel16
    LoyalAngel16 Posts: 186 Member
    Sometimes I think I eat too fast as well. I think a lot of started in schools when you were given about 10 minutes to eat your lunch. Lunch was only 20 minutes long but by the time you got out of line and sat down, you only had 10 minutes left if that. Now when my stepson comes to visit, he eats even faster than me. He almost inhales his food. Sometimes I don't even think he is chewing his food because he has his next bite in his mouth before he even swallows the last. I try to tell him to slow down and makes me more conscious on how I am eating as well. He is really skinny like his dad, but I try to tell him in the long run it isn't good for him. I think most times he is just in a hurry to get done so he can get back on him computer. Plus he also gives the excuse that its the schools fault.
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    I am really bad at this too
    my approach to try and get better
    1. set aside time for eating with no distractions
    2. set a place. eat at the table set a place with knife, fork ,and a glass of water
    3. approach each meal as if it were a wine tasting. - savour the food in your mouth, taste it , try and identify flavours, ingredients
    chew to get all the flavors

    good luck
  • teally13
    teally13 Posts: 30

    1. set aside time for eating with no distractions

    This is an important one. Don't eat while watching TV, on you laptop etc as you tend not to notice what you have eaten or how much.
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    The technique I use is this.. I log my food while I am eating it at home. I have my ipad right there. Take a bite, log a part of the meal, rinse repeat. It takes me almost twice as long as it used to take me to eat my meal... Or I will only serve myself so much and just make sure to do something while I eat. It has really helped because now I notice it has carried over into other meals as well. I am not naturally slower from just sidetracking myself for so long.
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member

    1. set aside time for eating with no distractions

    This is an important one. Don't eat while watching TV, on you laptop etc as you tend not to notice what you have eaten or how much.

    This doesn't work for me.. lol if I am left to my own thoughts while eating, I will just keep going ;) I only make so much food for dinner and then what I have on my plate is it... no excuses or substitutions. I have to distract myself with something while I eat to keep myself from eating so much... but if it works for you, then I say stick with it :wink:
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    also put the fork DOWN!
    i realised i have the next forkful ready to shove in before i have finished chewing the first. so putting the fork down is critical
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    Use your other hand when eating. If your right handed use your left hand. Vice versa worked for me.
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    Use your other hand when eating. If your right handed use your left hand. Vice versa worked for me.

    OooOOoooO...I have never heard of this idea....I am going to try it.
  • Karen98100
    Taking a sip of water in between most bites helps me. Also, use utensils for almost all foods. I find when I use utensils for most foods that some just eat with their hands, it takes longer to eat and it's more enjoyable. Never eat while doing something else, like watching tv, being on the computer, etc. If you're distracted, you might chow down the meal without noticing.
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    If it's not a family sit down meal I will make my lunch, and leave it on the counter, empty part of the dishwasher, take a bite, empty some more, take another bite etc..... so I multi task, I also fold laundry, I take a bite between 4 shirts folded etc...

    For me sitting and counting bites or chewing slowly with no distractions only makes me perseverate more on my food, if I do things while I am eating a laid out meal or already serving sized then it takes me longer to eat and I don't over eat because my meal is already portioned out on my plate.
  • hougt
    hougt Posts: 1,088
    Use your other hand when eating. If your right handed use your left hand. Vice versa worked for me.

    Sadly after a broken right wrist I can do most things with both hands so it wouldn't work
  • sugboog29
    sugboog29 Posts: 630 Member
    My husband tells me all the time that I eat too fast! Yesterday while eating my salad at lunch he made the comment. I realized I was eating fast and he had hardly eaten...but being a bit pissed because he commented I told him if he talked less and ate more he wouldn't realize I was eating so fast! BUT I did slow it down, took a bite, put my fork down, took a drink. Amazing!
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    I tend to eat fast as well, so I have tried to practice mindful eating - being aware what I am putting in my mouth, which means not being distracted by TV/iPad/phone, etc. Its really hard with a toddler, but it works. I also use smaller forks and spoons. Maybe also try taking a drink between every 3 bites or so.
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    Thank you soooo much for the reminder! I find myself falling back into my 'fast food' habits. Here's some things that have helped me to slow down in the past:
    Cut up all food into tiny bits BEFORE stating to eat anything
    Try using very small utensils., like a shrimp fork or children's utensils
    All the best!
  • hougt
    hougt Posts: 1,088
    Thank you soooo much for the reminder! I find myself falling back into my 'fast food' habits. Here's some things that have helped me to slow down in the past:
    Cut up all food into tiny bits BEFORE stating to eat anything
    Try using very small utensils., like a shrimp fork or children's utensils
    All the best!

    The small utensils could be a good shout actually. Cutting my food up before eating it will just make it easier to shovel it in :P