

  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I have PCOS. I've done the metforming thing and the birth control thing and the low carb thing... and ya know what? None of it worked for me. The metformin made me feel really awful. The birth control (several kinds) made me angry and mean. And well... the low carb thing made me batty.
    I follow MFP... I don't watch my "carbs" - but I do watch my sugar. I eat fruit with a protein at all times... but I eat a lot of fruit! Increasing my fiber has really helped... I hit 50-60 grams a day. Drink lots of water!
    Exercise is key. I don't work out as hard as a lot of people on this site - but I make an effort to walk or exercise for at least 20 minutes several times a week.

    This is the 2nd time I've done MFP and I can honestly say that as long as I stay on the plan - I get my period once a month like clockwork - as soon as I veer off... forget it. I do tend to stay away from pastas... just because it's not worth it for the calories for me. If I want pasta - I eat whole wheat and it's always a side... not the entree. I eat potatos though - but a serving - not like I used to.

    I'm sorry you all have PCOS - but glad that I'm in good company!
  • tnewcom
    tnewcom Posts: 58
    I have had PCOS since i was 18. i hate it! i have a very hard time losing weight and getting pregnant. i am currently on 500mg of metformin and upping it to 750mg this weekend until i get to 2000mg! i know for anyone to lose weight they need to have 150 carbs or less to lose weight, so i have been doing that. but what about a person w/ pcos how many carbs can we have and what about suger what is our limit?
  • leavinglasvegas
    I have had PCOS since i was 18. i hate it! i have a very hard time losing weight and getting pregnant. i am currently on 500mg of metformin and upping it to 750mg this weekend until i get to 2000mg! i know for anyone to lose weight they need to have 150 carbs or less to lose weight, so i have been doing that. but what about a person w/ pcos how many carbs can we have and what about suger what is our limit?

    My endocrinologist set my numbers at 50% carbs, 25% protien, and 25% fat. I'm also taking metformin, 1000mgs. Since I started I've lost over 10 pounds.... in just over a month. More importantly, I've lost 3 inches off my waist.

    He said the trick is to take half to dose at bedtime and always sleep with an empty stomach. Then always workout in the AM on an empty stomach. The metformin will keep my blood sugar under control while I sleep and my organs can put all the energy towards metabolising fat, mainly around the mid section. Working out in the morning on an empty stomach releases hormones that ease the symptoms and increase metabolism throughout the day. He said that doing squats specifically in the am on an empty stomach release these hormones that really help with PCOS symptoms and losing belly fat.

    In all honesty, by doing these things, I feel the best right now that I ever have. I'm approaching my period and I can already tell a HUGE difference in my symptoms. This is also my first month on birth control, so I'm sure that has something to do with it as well. I will be reducing my metformin dose in a few weeks if my blood sugar levels are good and I lose some more inches off my waist.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Lots of great info ladies! I am on birth control, and I had to pretty much beg my Dr for Glumetza (long lasting Metformin), I see her in two weeks to get it upped from 1000mg to 1500mg, I started out at 500mg. Since I've started 1000mg I've lost the most weight. I also follow the G.I. Diet 90% of the time, which works. I also do Kickboxing 4-5 times a week, I find I need the intensity of a workout like that to lose anything. I was walking 30 mins everyday then doing Wii Fit or the 30 Day Shred and was still hardly losing anything. Since starting Kickboxing I've been losing much quicker, and going down in inches like mad. I think I will try taking my Glumetza later in the evening as someone suggested, see if it makes a difference for me.
    Good luck ladies, we're all in this together!
  • tnewcom
    tnewcom Posts: 58
    I have had PCOS since i was 18. i hate it! i have a very hard time losing weight and getting pregnant. i am currently on 500mg of metformin and upping it to 750mg this weekend until i get to 2000mg! i know for anyone to lose weight they need to have 150 carbs or less to lose weight, so i have been doing that. but what about a person w/ pcos how many carbs can we have and what about suger what is our limit?

    My endocrinologist set my numbers at 50% carbs, 25% protien, and 25% fat. I'm also taking metformin, 1000mgs. Since I started I've lost over 10 pounds.... in just over a month. More importantly, I've lost 3 inches off my waist.

    He said the trick is to take half to dose at bedtime and always sleep with an empty stomach. Then always workout in the AM on an empty stomach. The metformin will keep my blood sugar under control while I sleep and my organs can put all the energy towards metabolising fat, mainly around the mid section. Working out in the morning on an empty stomach releases hormones that ease the symptoms and increase metabolism throughout the day. He said that doing squats specifically in the am on an empty stomach release these hormones that really help with PCOS symptoms and losing belly fat.

    In all honesty, by doing these things, I feel the best right now that I ever have. I'm approaching my period and I can already tell a HUGE difference in my symptoms. This is also my first month on birth control, so I'm sure that has something to do with it as well. I will be reducing my metformin dose in a few weeks if my blood sugar levels are good and I lose some more inches off my waist.

    Thanks for that info! I am gonna have to give it a try! Just changed my setting to the 50/25/25...hopefully it will help me out!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Wow, I am super shocked and surprised that an endocrinologist told someone to consume 50% carbs with PCOS. Along with PCOS comes insulin resistence (pre-diabetes) or full blown diabetes.

    Controlling carbs is the key to controlling PCOS and insulin resistence and 50% carbs is not controlling them. There is so much information out there that supports this that I am so surprised that an endocrinologist suggested such a percentage.
  • leavinglasvegas
    Wow, I am super shocked and surprised that an endocrinologist told someone to consume 50% carbs with PCOS. Along with PCOS comes insulin resistence (pre-diabetes) or full blown diabetes.

    Controlling carbs is the key to controlling PCOS and insulin resistence and 50% carbs is not controlling them. There is so much information out there that supports this that I am so surprised that an endocrinologist suggested such a percentage.

    I'm on a plant based diet. Carbs are pretty hard to cut out completely. He actually believes that controlling weight is the key. I've lost 36 pounds and 3 inches off my waist and my bloodwork is currently excellent. I have energy through the roof, my skin looks good, my mood is even, my periods are getting easier. I won't even have to be on medication when my waist gets back to a normal healthy range. In all honesty, I don't follow the plan. I just eat when I'm hungry. I eat whole grains like brown rice, Quinoa, couscous, etc. tons and tons of veggies. Beans, nuts, legumes for protien and 1-2 pieces of fruit per day. I recently transitioned to Vegan and haven't even had so much as a headache since I stopped the dairy. This is the best I've ever felt in my life.

    That being said. I don't think anyone should do for themselves what my doctor recommended for me. It was based on other health problems, my bloodwork, and lifestyle. Everybody has theri own situation and should see a doctor for personal recommendations. My lifestyle was taken into account in planning my treatment.
  • melissaptx
    I have pcos and was diagnosed by ultrasound and lack of periods after going off the birth control pill in hopes of getting pregnant. I always had intense carb cravings and now I know why. Getting on 2000mg of Metformin really curbed the cravings and helped clear up my oily skin. Also, I gave up sugar completely for Lent and since I've gone so long without having any, I no longer crave it either. It's VERY possible to be lean and have pcos. My BMI is 21, but I also work very hard to maintain my weight. I can easily gain 5 pounds in a couple days and it goes straight to my belly. Nothing has restored my periods so I've been taking fertility meds to help with ovulation. I pray I get pregnant someday. I took Yasmin for 12 years and it masked all my symptoms - no acne, no facial hair, and a period every month. I just want to get pregnant, give birth, and go back on the Pill so I can feel normal again.

    Good luck to you all. It's comforting to know I'm not alone.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I have pcos and was diagnosed by ultrasound and lack of periods after going off the birth control pill in hopes of getting pregnant. I always had intense carb cravings and now I know why. Getting on 2000mg of Metformin really curbed the cravings and helped clear up my oily skin. Also, I gave up sugar completely for Lent and since I've gone so long without having any, I no longer crave it either. It's VERY possible to be lean and have pcos. My BMI is 21, but I also work very hard to maintain my weight. I can easily gain 5 pounds in a couple days and it goes straight to my belly. Nothing has restored my periods so I've been taking fertility meds to help with ovulation. I pray I get pregnant someday. I took Yasmin for 12 years and it masked all my symptoms - no acne, no facial hair, and a period every month. I just want to get pregnant, give birth, and go back on the Pill so I can feel normal again.

    Good luck to you all. It's comforting to know I'm not alone.

    good luck getting pregnant! i will pray for you.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Wow, I am super shocked and surprised that an endocrinologist told someone to consume 50% carbs with PCOS. Along withi never PCOS comes insulin resistence (pre-diabetes) or full blown diabetes.

    Controlling carbs is the key to controlling PCOS and insulin resistence and 50% carbs is not controlling them. There is so much information out there that supports this that I am so surprised that an endocrinologist suggested such a percentage.

    I'm on a plant based diet. Carbs are pretty hard to cut out completely. He actually believes that controlling weight is the key. I've lost 36 pounds and 3 inches off my waist and my bloodwork is currently excellent. I have energy through the roof, my skin looks good, my mood is even, my periods are getting easier. I won't even have to be on medication when my waist gets back to a normal healthy range. In all honesty, I don't follow the plan. I just eat when I'm hungry. I eat whole grains like brown rice, Quinoa, couscous, etc. tons and tons of veggies. Beans, nuts, legumes for protien and 1-2 pieces of fruit per day. I recently transitioned to Vegan and haven't even had so much as a headache since I stopped the dairy. This is the best I've ever felt in my life.

    That being said. I don't think anyone should do for themselves what my doctor recommended for me. It was based on other health problems, my bloodwork, and lifestyle. Everybody has theri own situation and should see a doctor for personal recommendations. My lifestyle was taken into account in planning my treatment.

    I never said that carbs should be completely cut. Carbs should be controlled by getting them from natural sources only. Vegetables, fruit and nuts.

    Grains are not natural, they are processed as they can not be eaten
    in their natural state. My doctors, an endocrinologist and a naturopath, told me that grains are the worst thing to put in a woman that has PCOS.
  • Julem22
    Julem22 Posts: 107 Member
    I also have PCOS and I am on the Pill. I have managed to lose 20 pounds 11 years ago and keep it off (for the most part) Right now I am trying to lose about 7 pounds to reach my goal. I find that counting calories is the ONLY thing that works for me. I also make sure I eat vegetables and fruit everyday. I exercise 4 days a week. I could never reduce my carbs but if it works for others great!
  • JoyBellz
    JoyBellz Posts: 108 Member
    I too have PCOS, diagnosed at age 18. Without birth control, no period. I crave carbs like crazy. I have tried meformin twice and cannot tolerate it. I feel terrible when I am on it. Feel like I am poisoning myself. Recently, my energy level has been zapped. I don't know why, but I am exhausted almost to the point of feeling sick which is very discouraging when you are trying to workout and lose weight. So glad there are so many people on here that understand. This site is great support for many things, not just weight loss.
  • bherning
    bherning Posts: 1
    I too have been diagnosied with PCOS after trying to concieve. After doing my research so much makes sense to me now, I work out like a maniac and have been very careful with what I eat. Only South Beach diet methods have ever worked for me. Anyway. I was wondering has anyone ever tried Insulite as an alternative to Metformin or Glucophage. My docotor prescibed this too me for my Insuliine resitance and I am thinking I want to go a natural supplment route first. Please let me know if any one has tried Insulite to treat PCOS. pcos.insulitelabs.com
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Do any women suffer from pcos? If so, what is your tip to losing weight, besides following low-glycemic diet? Very frustrated!

    I suffer with a bad case of PCOS and low carb, low glycemic or eating mostly unprocessed foods is the only way I have found to keep the symptoms under control.
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    Long time PCOS sufferer here. I've been through the numerous diets, medications and countless surgeries. I also have Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, Multiple Sclerosis and just diagnosed in March with Diabetes. That was quite a wake up call for me since I lost my father due to complications of Diabetes 3 yrs. ago. I made up my mind to not diet, just to get healthier, get off meds and avoid the one surgery I've been told I need over and over: hysterectomy.

    I had to attend 5 classes about Diabetes. They were taught by a nurse and a dietician. I can't say what works for me will work for everyone else...everyone is built differently. But, I can say this, for the first time in over 10 years, I'm off all Diabetic medication!! Woohoo!! Go me!! lol

    My suggestion for anyone would be to learn what "good carbs vs bad carbs" are. A candy bar is obviously a bad carb. A sweet potato, while high in the carb count, is a good carb. I also learned that most of us shouldn't go below 140 grams/carbs a day. I was also told doing 5-6 meals, spaced fairly even was better to stabilize those blood sugar spikes. For snacks, it's better to stay around 15 grams. For meals, it's better to aim for 45-60 grams...no more than 60, though.

    That's what has worked for me and I'm off the meds with my blood sugar no longer going over 130. I see my endocrinologist/diabetic doctor Monday and they're expecting my A1C to be lower than 6.5.

    Again, not saying this is the answer for all, but maybe it might help someone. :) Also, I should say, I don't have the cravings anymore and I don't feel like I'm hungry, either.
  • rebeccaS85
    rebeccaS85 Posts: 141