should i still workout?

samanthad2u Posts: 28
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I feel I am coming down with something cold/flu should I still workout out or take it easy? I was think something low impact maybe but don't what it to make me feel worst. But i didn't lose anything last week and don't want to do that again.


  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    It's really up to you how you feel. If I feel I'm coming down with a flu I wouldn't want to go and sweat for 2 hours but I might feel up to a walk.
  • I would keep it cardio, and only if you have a cold. If its flu like, you have a fever, or you feel nauseous DON'T! Cardio will most likely make you feel better. Also keep in mind that if you were wanting to work out in a public gym, what you'd be bringing into contact with others. Just keep it light, so that you're body stays in tune with working out. Feel better!
  • auntbliz
    auntbliz Posts: 173 Member
    I still do fast walking and some crunches when I have a cold, but like someone else said, if there's fever or more severe symptoms indicating something worse, I take it easy and get back to it when I'm recovering. If I've just got a cold, I do feel better after working out.
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    My doctor, who is actually a sports doctor, told me that exercise actually lowers the immune system during exercising. So when you exercise, and for a bit of time afterwards, your immune system goes down. However, it does come back, and overall, if you exercise regularly, your immune system gets stronger, although continues to dip a little with exercise.

    I learned this because I told him that every time I started an exercise program, I got sick or caught a cold. His advice was to take it easy if I felt like I was coming down with something, until I got fit enough that I was past that.

    So I guess the question is, how fit are you, and how used to working out is your body? If you're still new at it, maybe hold off. But if you're in pretty good shape otherwise and don't get sick much, you can probably tolerate it, as long as you don't have a fever and your symptoms are mild.
  • Unless I feel like I am dying, I workout...nice and easy...sweating usually makes me feel better.
  • InTheMoney
    InTheMoney Posts: 249 Member
    Unless I feel like I am dying, I workout...nice and easy...sweating usually makes me feel better.

  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    although it might take strenght to get through youll be proud when your done with it and it cant make it any worse right!
  • I just started coming down with some sort of upper respiratory thing last Friday and felt lousy all weekend but was not running a fever and still rested both Sat and Sun. Although still somewhat symptomatic today (mon) i feel much better so I did an easy 30 min on my elliptical trainer with no ill effects. Soooo...listen to your body and pay attention to your symptoms....with flu like symptoms and fever no exercise until recovered and with mild respiratory symptoms go easy and pay attention to how u feel. Get plenty of fluids and don't feel guilty about the time off. You will be healthier for it in the long run!!
  • I would. I had a splitting headache all day today(hate takin' pills for that). I still went to taekwondo and sparred and worked out. If you can do it when it sucks, you can motivate yourself on a healthy day, No Problem.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    If you feel up to it, a walk would be great.
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