bad binge!! omg....I feel so ashamed.



  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    you didn't ruin the new lifestyle you've created! Just breathe, we've all had binge days. Just think about why you binged, are you not giving in to some of your cravings?
  • Dad_of_3
    Dad_of_3 Posts: 517 Member
    I started 30 days ago and lost 11 pounds. Last night I ate 9 cookies (250) each!!!! I feel so ashamed! I felt out of control! I wonder if I'll ever make it. I'm so mad at myself.

    Here's the good, GREAT news: It isn't going to destroy your 11 pounds lost.

    9 cookies, at 250 calories per cookie = 2250 calories.

    A pound of fat = 3500 calories.

    Not to be gross, but your probably expelled at least a quarter of this, depending on the type of cookie, amount of fiber, etc. So that brings you down to 1687 calories consumed.

    Then you burned off at least SOME of the calories you ate. Let's say another quarter, so now you are down 1124.

    Guess what? You only gained a third of a pound from the cookies, or a half pound at most. You can burn that off in a week, and then some. No worries- you will be fine! The big thing is that you can't do this on a daily basis, or it will catch up with you (as I am sure you know).
  • Dad_of_3
    Dad_of_3 Posts: 517 Member
    I will be you a dime to a dollar that if you continue eating normally the rest of the week, you will still lose the same amount of weight this week as you have been. Your body can't pack away all 2250 calories, plus whatever else you ate yesterday. It's a system overload. A lot of "gurus" will tell you that one binge day or meal a week is actually good for your body, because the incredible excess of calories causes your body to ramp up your metabolism in order to try to process all of the intake.

    The long of the short of it is, it's really not a big deal. Just think how tasty they were, and look forward to the next time you can have some (but maybe not 9 ;) )

    ^^^^ This!^^^^ (Sorry for the double post!)
  • AverageAngel
    AverageAngel Posts: 123 Member
    I agree with everyone here, I am just posting a reply to say this is so cool. I have never seen such rallying. You guys are beautiful. What a cool place to be.