Breastfeeding and weightloss

I am currently exclusively breastfeeding my 3 month old son, and still nurse my 2 year old twins a couple of times a day... I'm trying to lose the last 5-10 pounds of my 'baby weight'... Are there any other 'nursing' moms out here trying to lose their 'baby weight' too? What extra nutrition are you doing?


  • foxylady522
    I don't know that I would do much of anything except be more mindful of what you are eating. I noticed a dramatic reduction of milk supply when I purposely tried to reduce my calories while breastfeeding. I had to wait until I was ready to reduce my supply to specifically work on losing the weight.
  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    Hi! So far I don't have much help to offer, as I'm still trying to balance things out myself (I have a 4mth old that I EBF) I'm adding breastfeeding as a 500 calorie/day "excersie" and eating those calories. Ihave my goal set to loose 2lbs/week. I have a lot more to lose than you do though.
  • shirin8
    shirin8 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi there,

    I am nursing my almost 11 month daughter (down to 2-3x/day) and am trying to lose the last 9 pounds (from my first child 3.5 years ago). On the day I delivered last September, I was 192 lbs and got down to pre-pregnancy 160 around March. At that point, I started MFP and dedicated exercising and am now 136. From a nutrition standpoint, I try to eat as much protein and veggies/fruits as possible and need to get back on Fenugreek supplements to increase my supply. Good luck and congrats on nursing so long. Add me, if you'd like :)
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    I'm feeding my 2.5 year old (morning, nap and bed) and she doesn't feed much so I don't add any extra cals on a daily basis but know if I go a bit over I'm covered!

    If you type 'breastfeeding' into the food database it will give you options for newborns, toddlers etc and add those calories onto your daily total.

    You should be getting an extra 500 cals a day as a minimum with EBF a 3 month old.
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    When I was nursing the weight seemed to melt off me! I was drinking a TON of water and just trying to keep up with my littles, so I really don't have much to offer in the form of advice.

    I really just wanted to comment to tell you that I take my hat off to you... nursing three children at the same time... you must be a superhero!
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    Just an FYI, lots of women who BF, esp. full time or tandem, will hold on to that last 5-10 pounds until weaning.

    It's pretty common. If you are far enough post-partum, and not already exercising, I would add exercise as many days a week as you can. Even if you hold on to that little bit of fat, you can make your body and metabolism stronger so that when you do wean the last 10 pounds come off like magic.

    Don't stress or push yourself too hard...if you don't get enough water and nutrients your supply will drop and you'll no longer be able to nurse, which is so much more important than losing that last bit of weight.

  • marilynnam
    Lots of water, exercise, and portion control. I was 207 when I delivered... 165 prepregnancy.. and now i am 141.4. My son is 7 months old. You can do it!!
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    Hi, I am an IBCLC and I would suggest making sure to eat the number of calories you were eating when pregnant. Nursing burns calories on its own so eating healthy is a great idea. Adding a little cardio is not going to hurt anything, but if you notice your supply getting low you should probably add more calories. You will still probably lose weight. As a rule breastfeeding moms should maintain at least a 1200 calorie diet to maintain milk supply. Just keep that in mind :) Here to help if needed.
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    Lots of water, exercise, and portion control. I was 207 when I delivered... 165 prepregnancy.. and now i am 141.4. My son is 7 months old. You can do it!!
    Don't drink too much water, it can actually lower your milk supply. Drink the amount of water you should be drinking, if you are still thirsty drink more, if not, don't. Listen to your body.
  • TrinaM07
    Wow, thanks for the quick replies! What an awesome site for support! When I created my profile I put extremely active in hopes of covering the bf thing... I also put to lose 1/2 pound a week because the 1200 calories they were suggesting just didn't seem enough! Now I have 1500 to work with along with the exercising I do... I nursed my twins exclusively and I would be heartbroken if I screwed up my nursing with my last one for the sake of losing weight! Thanks for the advice and support! If any of you would like to add me as a friend, feel free to do so... ;)
  • chefgabi
    chefgabi Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone for your questions and comments. I just started this app today and am loving it. I feel much better knowing that I can follow the program while nursing my 5 month old.