Holiday in 2!

cullyn Posts: 14 Member
Has anyone got any tips to slim down and fast!

I'm 5"5 and 131 pounds, i progressively gained weight over the past year and will be embarking on a new lifestyle upon my return. However, if anybody knows of any info/reports on how to 'beat the bulge' (as much as possible) in two weeks, i would really appreciate your feedback. The thought of breaking out my bikini at the moment fills me with dread!

Cheers guys!


  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Honestly it's a little late to make any drastic changes that would affect you (noticeably) physically. Just eat right and drink a ton of water.. don't try any of the stupid 'lose weight fast!" schemes though. It'll just be wasting your time/money. :P
  • cullyn
    cullyn Posts: 14 Member
    I know :( It would be great if there was some miracle cure though!
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Haha I agree! Just enjoy your vacation and don't let it bring you down.
    If all else fails, use the vacation pictures as some 'before' photos to motivate you even more when you return. Have fun! :drinker: