NYC Girl looking for support!

Hello, my name is Dolly and I am single 38 years old from NYC. I currently weight 322 lbs and I am truly dont have any idea how I got to be this big. But, three weeks ago I started my workout and new lifestyle journey. Like we all know its not going to be easy but I am hoping that I can find a support group to help me out with this long journey.

Like everybody else I do have several goals, but my most important goal is to be able to stop taking heart blood pressure pills. I do work in a very stressful environment but when your blood pressure is 165/100 is definitely not good!

So here I am, this is a very hard fight but I really need to come out a winner! I am looking forward to meet you all.



    Your a young beautiful girl. Now is time to add healthy.
    It is a long journey but it is so wonderful to take your life back.
    Working out is the best medicine.
    I finally took my advice at 55 and feel wonderful.
    I acually look forward to working out.
    My body is slowly changing.
    Add me as a friend if you like.
    I'm here if you need me.
  • peacheslcm
    peacheslcm Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm also 322 lbs. I also need a weight loss buddy or should I say a lifestyle changing buddy :wink: I recently went to the doctor and got a check up and I too have high blood pressure :grumble: but I need to start changing my lifestyle I would love to start this change with you ! I'm here if you wanna start a system to get rid of this unwanted weight.