It's kind of sad

pavingnewpaths Posts: 367 Member
how quick people are to point of weight gain but totally ignore the fact when you lose a lot of weight. When I initially gained weight, I recieved TONS of comments from family about how i've been "letting myself go," yet i've lost 20 pounds and no one has made any sort od comment. And the fact that they had mentioned my weight gain kind of forces me to exclude the option that they don't want to be rude. It doesn't really bother me, considering the fact that i'm losing weight for me, so I can get healthier- even their comments on my weight gain never bugged me- it just never ceases to amaze me how downright mean people can be.

Share negative/positive experiences you've had with people since you've lost and/or gained weight. (I know everyone's been through it!)


  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    It had been a few years and a kid since I had seen my ex-husbands best friend. So we saw him, and he was like "Wow, you've lost a ton of weight.... You must have gone on the Jenny Crack diet" .

    The worst part is my ex laughed.
  • DargoMack
    DargoMack Posts: 75 Member
    People can sometimes be hurtful. I lost 55 pounds a few years ago (sadly, I've gained about 20 of them back - boo!) and not one of my friends made one comment to me. I had kind of been in hiding while I was going through the weigh loss and some other stuff. I walked into a party and casual acquaintances made nice comments to me, but not my friends.

    BTW - I am not good at accepting compliments, but it's still nice to hear.

    Sometimes I think it stems from other people's insecurities.
  • RF3377
    RF3377 Posts: 97
    I think it's kind of hard for people we see on a daily basis to notice we have lost weight at first.

    I remember when I had lost the first 9 lbs I told one of my friends and her response was "yeah but you will put that back on". Wow thanks a bunch!

    After I lost 28 lbs another friend finally said I have lost loads of weight and not to lose anymore because I was getting to skinny. Even though I was still clearly overweight.

    Rest has been good, family members have said I look like i've lost a good bit of weight now even though one my brothers didn't notice when I told him last weekend his respose was "really?" then a long pause of looking at me haha.

    Only other person to comment was a friend when he came home from been away and hadn't seen me since I started he said I looked like a different person and couldn't believe it!

    I just think people will always be quick to tell you when your doing badly at something but never quick to congratulate you on doing well, in any instances in life.
  • carolynH5
    carolynH5 Posts: 6 Member
    Are you really all losing weight just to make other people happy and to hear their comments? This is a personal journey and the only person that needs to be noticing and commenting is YOU