P90X standard routine starting 8/20/2012, who's with me?


My name is Rob J and, I am looking to start and complete the P90X routine. I am a husband, father, worker, and student. I am going to have to wake up early mornings to complete these routines because the rest of my day is packed. I am looking to improve general fitness and speed/agility for soccer playing. I have decided to join this site to gain community support and accountability to finish the P90X routine in its entirety. If you want to join me, let me know!

-Update, Day 1

Just finished the chest and back routine then ab ripper X routine. I paced myself slightly as I have not done any resistance training in a while. I know every time I restart P90X from having done no resistance training for a while that I get extremely sore but, the results come quickly in the beginning. Almost as if my muscles are "re-awakening". Completed about 3/5 of the ab repetitions, that way I could get more rest between the different movements. I felt like I could have pushed myself more on ab ripper X but, I am trying to ease back into it so I don't get too sore where I can't complete the coming workouts this week. Day 1 down!

Stats for today:

[Chest & Back]
Round 1/Round 2
Standard Pushups - 25/10
Standard Pullups - 8/2.5
Military Pushups - 11/6.5
Reverse-Grip Pullups - 7/4.5
Wide-Fly Pushups - 15/10
Close-Grip Overhand Pullups - 4.5/4
Decline Pushups - 10/5.5
Heavy Pants - 10/10 (35 lbs)
Diamond Pushups - 8/3.5
Lawnmowers - 10/10 (35 lbs)
Dive Bombers - 7.5/5.5
Back Flies - 10/10 (25 lbs)

[Ab Ripper X]
3/5 of all reps (~190 reps)

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