Feeling angry when I exercise



  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I always get angry when I do cardio.

    I can be in a good mood when I start but I get steadily more and more pissed off. It usually passes pretty quickly once I stop though. Husband has learned not to speak to me during or immediately afterwards.

    It's been suggested that it's because I resent having to work out, if so, it's purely subconscious.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Test boost for some.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    I normally feel less angry when I exercise. I do get super mean if I go too long without eating..
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    I read in fitness magazine this week that 23% of women have orgasms while exercising, Holy crap! I would totally be a size 0 right now if that were the case for me.

    Anyhow, I don't feel angry when I work out, I feel strong.

    WHAT?!? Why is this not me??

    But no, I don't get angry during exercise - unless, of course, someone there does something stupid to MAKE me angry. Or I started exercising in a foul mood.

    How about tired? I know some people get more energy from working out. I just feel like I want to take a nap.
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    ...sex to have with the husband etc...

    You say this like it's a bad thing. LOL!

    I usually feel great when I exercise. It has helped me with stress, anxiety, and anger.

    I hope you're eating enough, because over-taxing the body will make anyone angry. Also, are you overly-heated while exercising? That can cause irritation. Otherwise, apart from the low blood sugar thing, it shouldn't make you feel angry, (maybe more aggressive, but not necessarily angry) unless it's releasing too much of a hormone that doesn't jive with your body.
  • Dancerten
    Dancerten Posts: 237 Member
    I do, but generally it's irritation at other people in the gym that turns to anger.

    *running through my mind if it's a particularly bad night at the gym*
    'why don't you wipe your nasty sweat of the machine you just used?!'
    'why didn't that meathead rerack his weights? i wanted to use the smith machine and now i have to take 180lbs of lead off of it!!'
    'who just leaves empty plastic water bottles in the cup holders on the machines?! that's what the trash can 2 feet over there is for!!'
    'if you aren't going to use that bench to lift weights, quit chit chatting and get off it so i can!!'
    'gaaaahhhhhhhh!!!' :explode:

    But most days I'm fine :wink:
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I do when I have not eaten enough or consumed enough water.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    GOOD!!! USE IT!!!! LET IT FUEL YOU!!!!!

    This! It'll hopefully push you do better.

    I don't really get angry during my workouts. I have a few times, but I was more frustrated with myself. Sure, I cuss like a truck driver during anything to do with Jillian Michaels, squats, lunges, or planks, but I thought that was normal?
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    Ok, I havnt started lifting yet, Im at a cross road (help welcome) Im not sure if I should lift when I am at the point where I really want to lose. So for my "workout" I dance, and walk my dog. I walk the dog early in the morning when the sun gives me the most vit. D. then i dance between 6 and 7 when hubby gets off work and gets home.... I think because I am doing happy things I dont have the anger issue? When I walked 3-4 miles (last journey) I was angry, but mostly because I crampped so bad I couldnt finish. It sucked.

    Dancing and a 1/2 mile morning walk. Im happy.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I read in fitness magazine this week that 23% of women have orgasms while exercising, Holy crap! I would totally be a size 0 right now if that were the case for me.

    Anyhow, I don't feel angry when I work out, I feel strong.

    If I was one of those women, I'd totally exercise A LOT more.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Usually I feel great, go home singing and have loads of energy.

    Today I was fine until I pulled into the garage, I was going to jet wash my car and someon was parked sideways accross the jet wash. Not using it and no one in the car so couldn't ask them to move.

    I just saw red, screeched the tyres and swung out of the garage sped down the road and burst into tears. Very strange. I had upped my weights and tried some new lifts so maybe I had overdone it a bit I don't know but it felt hormonal to me and trust me I know what that feels like. The menopause is a complete b!tch.

    So maybe the excercise can effect your hormones and give you that rage feeling. Or someones slipping you steroids LOL
  • samhigh
    samhigh Posts: 86 Member
    When I used to take NXplode from BSN, it would make me want to punch my coworkers after returning from the gym. I had a serious edge. It was great, I miss pre-workout supps.

    For the record, I never punched anyone. But I thought about it... often.
  • musiche
    musiche Posts: 214 Member
    I went through exactly this for a couple of months.


    When your body is already under-fueled (running a deficit to lose weight) and then you're trying to get it to expend EXTRA energy working out, your body has a really hard time coping.

    Without knowing how much I was burning, I was consuming 1600 calories per day. I thought I was burning maybe 2400. When I got a BodyMedia Fit armband, it told me I was burning 3200 calories per day. After my workouts especially, I would be the biggest b***h you've ever met and I became very aware of it, I would avoid people for at least half an hour and keep my mouth shut, I was just in a foul mood. Not fun. :(

    If you pay attention, you may notice that you have a very hard time progressing at the gym too, i.e., increasing the weights you lift or taking it up a notch with cardio. I stalled at the gym, my body couldn't build more muscle because of the huge deficit and just refused to put out any more calories.

    One great rule of thumb I have learned, is never eat below your BMR (basal metabolic rate) which is the amount of calories you need just to stay alive and keep you breathing, your heart beating, your brain functioning, etc.. (As though you were to sleep all day).

    I highly suggest getting an accurate picture of how much you consume and what your calories output is. I was TOTALLY off with my output. I plateaued for a looooong time and felt worse and worse every day, got more and more defeated and just miserable. I increased my calories a couple of months ago (from around 1600 to 3000), and I feel AMAZING. I have already increased my weights twice in the same amount of time and I started losing weight again, 2.5 pounds in the last week, lol.

    Running such a huge deficit effectively ruined my metabolism. My body rebelled big time. I lost 65+ pounds and then plateaued, not losing any more weight while running a 1600 calorie DEFICIT. That seems mathematically impossible, but it's true, and now that I've increased my calories big time, I am feeling amazing and losing weight again. :)

    All the best of luck, hope this helps!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Sometimes. I think: This is boring, time-consuming, hard, and it's not improving my mood. I just try to get through it.
  • LarsyRagnhild
    LarsyRagnhild Posts: 29 Member
    I think you get an emotional response to moving because you body is not used to it. One of the biggest challenges in weight loss/exercise is doing things that your body isn't used to. Your body will naturally want to fight change with everything it has, even if that means messing with your head.

    You need to teach your body and mind that exercising is OK. Once you feel the benefits of the endorphins and you keep going you will find it less tough.

    If that doesn't work and you are still finding it horrible try swimming. I found that to be the least angsty exercise form.

    Larsy xx
  • hsavas
    hsavas Posts: 14 Member
    I get very irritible when i workout. i always attributed it to adrenaline... even if i'm feeling good when i'm doing it, i generally am annoyed by everything that's going on around me - and i LOVE working out. i just have to stay in my zone, i listen to music (my music, not the class instructor unless it's my fav instructor), make sure i'm with friends i can talk to and not be annoyed by. sounds awful, but it happens. you're not the only one.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    When I used to take NXplode from BSN, it would make me want to punch my coworkers after returning from the gym. I had a serious edge. It was great, I miss pre-workout supps.

    For the record, I never punched anyone. But I thought about it... often.

    That's how I feel. Except I don't take anything. Working out just pisses me off. My family treads very lightly around me during/after my work outs. I feel ripped off that I don't get that happy/good mood feeling.
  • FishingFan123
    FishingFan123 Posts: 48 Member
    I get angry for a couple reasons.
    1. I have other stuff I have to do (& I'm thinking about it when I exercise).
    2. The weather has been so hot here (98 F is COLD here), I've been couped up in the house on the exercise bike for the last 5 months. Its a really nice exercise bike, but still I'm bored. I watch TED videos or read the news on my ipad, plus use a heart rate monitor & Digifit app, to distract from the boredom.

    Mornings are the quietest around here so thats the time I have to do work related reading, then work in the afternoon to early evening. I have a very stressful job, lots of responsibility, crabby clients (listening to them complain & ***** when most of whats the problem is THEM!, never get even a pee break, no time to even take a sip of water etc).

    So I get home, & I've been in a pressure cooker all day (6-7 hours). I'm starving by the time I get home & mentally exhausted.

    What I do is change from work clothes, make a smoothie (biggest loser smoothie scoop 45 cal, 1/2 banana), & sit down for 1/2 hour. This helps unwind me. Then I go exercise for 45" or so. By the time I eat dinner tho, its 7:45 pm. So difficult to lose weight when one eats so late.

    So I avoid the hypoglycemia, but I still think this setup stinks. Cant wait for the weather to become normal so I could get outside. That would definitely improve my mood.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Anger is good. Harness that energy and put it into the workout. It's especially helpful when lifting weights.

    This right here. Get your hate up to get that weight up. I suggest you try to get angry before you enter the gym and use it to increase focus, instead of waiting to get angry leaving the gym and using it to decrease friendships.
  • gailmelanie
    gailmelanie Posts: 210 Member
    See post with quote.