Treadmill vs outdoor running ??



  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Can't stand the treadmill! I'd rather not run.

    Give me the freedom of the road any feet will be like rockets!
  • vienna26
    vienna26 Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks everyone you have all been really helpful, yes i do agree when doing a short run on the treadmill its not to bad but when doing a longer one seems like forever,

    when i went outside for a run i did really enjoy it and as pointed out its refreshing to be out in the air and around a nice scenery rather than looking at a wall, i think i will mix it up run outside when the weather is ok and during bad weather jump on the treadmill

    Happy running everyone
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    My $.02, get off the dreadmill.

    Hit the pavement, hit the trails, hit the track!

    That's easy to say until it's 5 below and there's a foot of snow pack.

    I run outdoors all year 'round (and I've run in -40 weather and been none the worse for wear) - it's a matter of dressing properly. The only thing guaranteed to keep me indoors is freezing rain.

    To the OP - it comes down to which you're more likely to stay with. I much prefer running outdoors but I'm not certain that one has any serious advantage over the other in terms of calorie burn. If you're even contemplating running a race at some point in the future I would urge you to get outside for at least half of your runs just to acclimate to the change in mechanics & surface.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    A friend who is a doctor pointed out something is should be obvious.
    One must run 2 miles on a treadmill to equal the effort on the ground.
    Two factors. Wind resistance increases the faster you move and you are moving yourself over the ground versus the tread moving under you. Calculators that claim the same burn per mile for both are wrong. It is simple physics.
  • FireFae
    FireFae Posts: 40
    I vote for outside as well :D Until the snow and ice come ... then I might invest into a gym membership. Or just do HIIT at home.
  • Maddi_InBetweenDays
    I had this question and I went to go get my knees and ankles looked at before I started running. The physiotherapist I talked to said that running on the treadmill can really mess up your natural gait pattern. It's more like keeping your balance on a moving object as opposed to "running". As a beginner I am not to sure I fully believe her, but I try to stick to running outside for the most part.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    A friend who is a doctor pointed out something is should be obvious.
    One must run 2 miles on a treadmill to equal the effort on the ground.
    Two factors. Wind resistance increases the faster you move and you are moving yourself over the ground versus the tread moving under you. Calculators that claim the same burn per mile for both are wrong. It is simple physics.

    Not being snarky but could you show us the math? I can see the effect of wind resistance etc but 2 for 1?
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    I run exclusively outside. I believe it burns more calories and burns them more efficiently. I can't even stand to be on a treadmill anymore. :)
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    Each has pro's and con's- it depends what your needs are. Outside is far more entertaining for the most part, but it can also be dangerous when drivers and such don't pay attention. I love being out doors feeling the natural breeze and subtle inclines and declines are just enough to keep me alert.

    Treadmill is probably easier on your joints if you have that problem, and its also nice to able to control the incline and force yourself to maintain certain speeds. If I could get over the boredom of it I would do it.
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    I HATE the DREADmill!! Drives me nuts to stare at the wall and run. Plus, I constantly look at the time and get super discouraged. I'd much rather run past horses in a field and in amazing weather than run staring at the same thing for an hour. It's all personal preference but I'd rather run outside ANY DAY, even in the pouring rain!! =)

    One of the best runs I ever had was 3.5 miles in a thunderstorm. :D
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    The treadmill is much easier on your feet and joints but I enjoy running outside so much more. I know it takes more out of you to run outside because I never get sore legs just running inside. I find that a quicker pace is easier to maintain outside because you're not just staring at the numbers on the display. You're just running faster because it feels good.
  • gshoemaker06
    gshoemaker06 Posts: 264 Member
    if you're running the exact same speed and incline, outside will burn more. You'll have wind resistance (very minor but still counts) and the treadmill kinda pushes you forward, there's more resistance outside.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    A friend who is a doctor pointed out something is should be obvious.
    One must run 2 miles on a treadmill to equal the effort on the ground.
    Two factors. Wind resistance increases the faster you move and you are moving yourself over the ground versus the tread moving under you. Calculators that claim the same burn per mile for both are wrong. It is simple physics.

    Not being snarky but could you show us the math? I can see the effect of wind resistance etc but 2 for 1?

    There was a very detailed study done on wind resistance compensation on the TM, the results were discussed in Running Times. They determined that, until you get to about a 6:00 mile, the effects of wind resistance are completely negligible.
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    Treadmills vs outdoors: there's no comparison. Treadmill assists your run, you're not "running" 5 miles, the treadmill is rotating 5 miles worth of distance. Outside,you have to deal with Terrain, weather and you are moving your body with nothing assisting you
  • jamszy
    jamszy Posts: 123 Member
    A friend who is a doctor pointed out something is should be obvious.
    One must run 2 miles on a treadmill to equal the effort on the ground.
    Two factors. Wind resistance increases the faster you move and you are moving yourself over the ground versus the tread moving under you. Calculators that claim the same burn per mile for both are wrong. It is simple physics.

    Not being snarky but could you show us the math? I can see the effect of wind resistance etc but 2 for 1?

    I'd like to know this as well. I've heard numerous times that a treadmill at 0.0 incline is actually the machine moving you, while a 1.0 incline represents outside factors.
  • Mrguti228
    Mrguti228 Posts: 1 Member
    I stick to the outside too. Treadmill gets a little too boring for me and I feel like a hamster on a running wheel. More importantly, I just FEEL better running outside, if you are running just to exercise you are missing a lot of what makes running great! Also running outside makes it easier to push yourself. My longest runs don't always happen on purpose, sometimes I just get further from my starting point then I expected...and then I have to run back!
  • Jbarbo01
    Jbarbo01 Posts: 240 Member
    Running outside should technically burn more calories. It is more difficult and youll build more muscle than you will on a treadmill. A treadmill doesnt have wind resistance, heat, hills, or slants. However, treadmills can be still a good tool for speed work but running outside is definitely a better workout since the treadmill belt does some of the work for you.
  • kittybear86
    kittybear86 Posts: 341 Member
    I have a treadmill at home and used to use it.But I like running outside because its more of an adventure and I feel more free.On the treadmill however I knew how many calories I was burning.But it's boring for me because I'm on a machine the whole time,and running outside is more fun.But who knows,I may use the treadmill again,but for now I like to run outside.
  • JonClaw
    JonClaw Posts: 13 Member
    I used to use both, but now that I've upped my pace, I will always choose outside running before treadmill.

    Outside I get less shin splints too, a huge plus over the treadmill.

    Being able to change your pace immediately versus waiting for the treadmill to play catch-up is another one.
  • leelavic
    leelavic Posts: 14 Member
    Apologies, have not read every reply.... but here in my 2 cents:

    You have to actually think when you run outside: curbs, cars, other people, sidewalk cracks, hills, uneven ground... on the treadmill, I can basically close my eyes and be lulled into a run. I can run waaaaay longer on the treadmill, but feel like I get a better work out outside. And it is nice to be outside. Save the treadmill for icy days, when it is dangerous. In my opinion.

    I am not a doc/run coach.. just a runner.
    Have fun. No matter where you are running, you are getting more done than anyone sitting on the couch (credit to Pinterest for that quote). Leah.