I think I should be eating more

but I can't seem to convince myself! I'm near my goal weight, but my body fat percentage is higher than I'd like (I think it's around 25%, would like to get down to 20%). I have my settings to lose 1lb per week but that's not really happening the last couple of weeks. I'm supposed to eat 1,330 calories for that rate, sometimes I'm under, sometimes I'm over. Sometimes I eat back exercise calories, sometimes I don't. Lately I haven't been able to do any cardio because I hurt my foot, so I've been focusing on upper body and core strength exercises.

I've read that I should up my goal to 1/2lb per week since I'm near my goal, and that's reinforced by the fact that I can't really expect to build muscle eating at a significant deficit. But logic doesn't seem to get through. I still have more fat than I want so I can't convince myself to eat more.

So help convince me (or tell me I should keep doing what I'm doing, whatever will work!).


  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    As close as you are to goal, the only thing you're going to lose more than a half pound a week of is muscle. Reset your goals to 1/2 pound a week and if you haven't done so already get some heavy lifting mixed into that regimen to sustain your muscles and help ensure that as much as possible of what is being burned off now is fat.

    Nice job getting so close to your goal, by the way. Now is when patience is really required!