Looking for people that want new friends

Hey! I'm Anna, I'm looking for new friends, not to get rid of the old ones but just to add more friends! I'm 23, 250 lbs and trying to lose 100 lbs. I've already lost 100 through getting gastric bypass surgery, but I'm looking to lose more. If you want a helpful friend feel free to add me. Congrats to all of you who are starting to lose weight and have already lost some! Keep it up!


  • Add me if you want!! It would be nice to have support
  • sissidevore
    sissidevore Posts: 151 Member
    add me. i used to use this site all the time, and lost over 100 lbs using it, now i am pregnant, and trying to get back into shape. :) feel free to add me as a friend, i don't have any at the momment, i guess fitnesspal erased all my friend :)