
Does anyone know about how many calories are burned during Piloxing? I am an instructor so I'm definitely at it 100% and I have read that it burns upward of 800-900 calories but I exercise quite regularly and doubt that I burn that much. I have been counting it in myfitnesspal as kickboxing/turbo kick and it gives me about 720 calories. Does that still sound like too much? I am looking for someone who is a regular exerciser that wears a heart monitor during this workout to compare.


  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I'm an instructor too. At certification they told us most people burn between 400-900 calories but it depends on your weight/height, fitness level, and intensity. When I've worn my hrm I usually burn between 550-700. Hope this helps.
  • snseabrook
    snseabrook Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you ladies!