Does anyone else have this problem?



  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    I don't have any issue with drinking lots of water as long as it tastes good. I hate buying bottled water because it's so expensive but the water at work is now starting to taste like chlorine so I've cut back and I can tell that I'm feeling more sluggish because I've replaced it with diet soda. Think I'm gonna invest in a filter pitcher to take to work with me and see if that helps!
    Yes, the filtered pitchers definitely help!
    I can't really understand people having a hard time drinking water. I drink it constantly. But thinking back to the days of only tap water, I never really drank it either because I didn't like the way it tasted. I love water now! The only thing I drink besides tea and coffee.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I drank 14 glasses of water today!

    My trick? Room temperature water. I know a lot of people don't like it that way but I find it easier to drink more when it's room temperature. I really struggle with cold water.

    I usually drink it room temperature as well. I have the Brita Ultramax, which is a HUGE Brita dispenser that holds about a gallon of water and has a spigot on the bottom. It sits on my kitchen counter. I don't have any problem drinking 2 quarts of water a day--more if I exercise.

    And there's no rule that says "only plain water counts". You can flavor it if you wish. I'm not sure why folks get so hung up on it being plain water.
  • IslandDreamer64
    IslandDreamer64 Posts: 258 Member
    The recommendation to drink 8 glasses of water a day was started by the bottled water companies to get us to buy more of their product. I don't force myself to drink it, I drink when I'm thirsty, I also drink diet sodas, iced tea, and some juice. It all counts. Also, lots of food, especially fruits and veggies, have a very high water content. I'm pretty sure that drinking 8 glasses of water a day isn't the miracle cure for losing weight. If I were you I would stop stressing over it. :-)
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    My doctor actually highly recommends 64oz of water a day and it is one of the things he asks about when I see him (I am being treated by a Bariatric doc). I use either Crystal light or Mio to flavor my water. It also helps me to drink it at room temp. For some reason its easier for to drink that way. I find that when my weight loss stalls if I increase my fluid intake it does make a difference.